In 2017 Mazda will make available a splined spacer for the counter shaft.
I am told the spacer will be provided by Mazda soon. I am not sure what the cost will be. You can fabricate one but they are expensive to produce.
I just thought I would explain the part and the problem.
The counter shaft is fat on one end that drives gears 1-4, but the back part of the counter shaft that drives Reverse and 5th gear is thin and spindly. Ignore the damaged teeth in this picture. IMG_0189.JPG 158.8KB 7 downloads This is the 5/R end notice the difference? IMG_1332.JPG 118.49KB 4 downloads
When the transmission is over loaded in 5th gear, the thin end of the counter shaft twists. If it twists enough, It’s difficult and then impossible to disassemble the transmission making the box unbuildable.
There is a hollow spacer between the idle gear and the R/5 counter gear. This hollow spacer is replaced with the splined spacer. The splined spacer is thought to help bolster the counter shaft so it will not twist, thus allowing the box to be rebuilt many times.
IMG_1330.JPG 66.75KB 5 downloads IMG_1333.JPG 106.61KB 5 downloads IMG_1335.JPG 119.88KB 5 downloads
There are some other durability modifications that we should propose. There is going to come a time when uses transmission parts will be hard to find.
I hope that SCCA and NASA will continue to listen as these types of modifications do nothing to make you faster, its all about making our racing equipment more durable thus affordable.
Thank you SMAC for getting this one done.
Now lets fix the contact rules enforcement issue LOL