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Miata Rotisserie

Posted by Adax , 06-09-2013 · 3,787 views

I cannot weld overhead. Welding tubing is hard enough for me but I can't figure out the upside-down thing. I couldn't find anyone who was willing to weld overhead for beer, or who I was willing to pay what they wanted, leaving me one option - flip the car over.

I figured the shell didn't weigh more than 500# and with my two-post lift and a couple of furniture dollys, I thought I could flip it. My dad and I tried and in spite of at least 10 years of post-graduate education between us we were unable to do it. A rotisserie was the only option remaining. In retrospect it wasn't hard at all. It took all of 30 minutes to make the "spears" and another 30 for some embarrassingly crude 2x4 A-frames to mount it on. Here's what I wound up with.

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They bolt easily to the stock bumper mounting locations. I can just lift the car and slide the A-frames on. I got lucky with guessing the CoG and the tub can be spun with one hand.

The under-side welding went well but staring at the 10 year old undercoating started to keep me up at night.

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