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Body in White

Posted by Adax , 06-15-2013 · 3,829 views

If you are fortunate enough to order a Porsche Cup car from the factory you have only one color option: White. It's called a body-in-white and there are good reasons for this. It allows more efficient servicing as everything else in the car is usually not white, it eliminates the need for flashlights when servicing unless you are racing at night, and it allows rapid localization of fluid leaks. After spending most of my life looking at race car internal organs, my Miata had to be white except for the livery. It will never be mistaken for a Porsche GT3 RSR but it is a race car. Below is an example of the benefits of a white body - everything is quickly visualized.

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As race car paint doesn't stay new for long it is important not to paint one some exotic color. I can't figure out why someone would powder-coat a body. I went with Rustoleum white enamel rattle cans for the underbody. Easy to match and always available. Rattle-cans give less than professional results so I'm going to have the interior of the car done professionally. That said, I'm pretty happy with the results and I already find working on it more enjoyable.

Here it is after being flipped back over and up on my lift.

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