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There have been 12 items by john mueller (Search limited from 06-06-2023)

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#102868 2017 Runoffs SMACK talk thread

Posted by john mueller on 09-25-2017 01:21 PM in Spec Miata (SM)




#109802 NASA Championships - CoTA Smack Thread

Posted by john mueller on 09-15-2018 02:59 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

great race upfront.  Now the shitty part of the event..... 

#105289 So are we not going to talk about the new/pending shocks rules then?

Posted by john mueller on 12-09-2017 04:41 PM in Spec Miata Rules & Competition

The problem is getting a baseline...  I tried for a few years to get Bilstein to commit to a 'spec range' for a better test spec for NASA and Bilstien wouldn't do it...  The current shocks that are used have such a large of a manufacturing variance that they would not commit.  Now, it was 4yrs ago that I last tried so it could be better now.
Personally, I think a real race dampener should be chosen and grandfather in a change to the better shock over a two-year span.  Dump the junk and go with a real shock - The new shock could still be procured through Mazdaspeed and should be sealed (by them?) too.  There still is enough money in the class that I believe a move like this is warranted.
My $.02
Back to under my rock.....

#103212 Let’s not crucify Danny, but...

Posted by john mueller on 10-02-2017 12:25 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

OPM and RRP have zero blame. Doesn't matter if they did the work or knew about it. Shops don't enter races, cars and drivers do. Doesn't matter if Danny asked for it specifically or asked for a winning car in general.


It was out of compliance, penalty was given. Thats it. Move on to the next race.


I could not disagree with you more James...  Put yourself in a position of managing this class and your opinion would probably change.


  • Very few of those getting on the podium for these sort of 'big races' are the "DIY guys" (Sammy V always was).  
  • The offending shops are a big part of the problem, by going along with it (Danny @ INDY Runoffs) or doing it when the owner/driver is unaware (several @ the Laguna Runoffs & in SoCal Club).  


So until there are teeth in the punishment beyond the Driver/Owner this bullshit will continue...  SM will continue to be way awesome on track while still owning the cheater's reputation that is deserved.


:devil:   And everyone FLAME away...   I DGAF and won't be responding cuz I no longer DGAF.     :devil:

#103217 Let’s not crucify Danny, but...

Posted by john mueller on 10-02-2017 12:42 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

John, did you have a bowl of nails for breakfast?



I stepped away, not looking at anything SM related for pretty much a year...  I come back to watch how awesome the INDY Runoffs is gonna be and the same old bullshit happens, tarnishing what was an absolutely epic event and SM race.
I had to censor myself for the past 9yrs on where I (and many in racing leadership) KNOW where the core/cause of the problem is.  It's the Shops that enable or create this stuff.  Just look at the rules creep...  It all drives revenue into the shops, many are alive because of this stuff.  
So now that I am 18+ months from my role in NASA and just about fully out of everything racing related I feel I can finally speak my mind.  


Add in suspensions (trackside support revenue loss) for the shops and the majority of this cheating and rules creep will stop. 

#103202 Let’s not crucify Danny, but...

Posted by john mueller on 10-02-2017 11:39 AM in Spec Miata (SM)

Where does it say in the rules that we can use non-mazda cams that sound visibly different?  I would assume this is very similar to using non-fat cat bump stop kits?



There's a rule about "similar" fasteners being legal but it's not handy to cite right now. 




My cams do not get you more camber. They make it easier to get max camber. The slots in the subframe are the determining factor. Mazda cams rotate a full 360*. meaning the bolt is not forced all the way out to the edge of the slot. To get max camber (or caster at the front) you need to pry the bolt to the edge of the slot. My cams are slightly offset from factory and will not fully rotate. This means the bolt is maxed out against the slot. The slot does not change, so the total available camber does not change. It just makes it easier to get max.


My guess is that some teams are running set-ups that want more rear camber. Thus they do some creative engineering. Work within the rules to make the car handle and you won't have this problem.





These aftermarket eccentric bolts are not "similar fasteners" if they are "slightly offset from factory and will not fully rotate".

#103082 Let’s not crucify Danny, but...

Posted by john mueller on 10-01-2017 12:53 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

To the Spec Miata Community:- my sincere apologies. I cheated at the biggest SCCA race in history. This is not good for the class. I deserve to be punished. I had one of my best races in my entire career, and it has been erased from existence. I totally deserve your criticism, scorn, ridicule, hate and whatever other invective you want to throw at me.
To those of you who have offered your support, thank you it is greatly appreciated, but I do not deserve it. I look in the mirror and I do not like the person I see.
However, please direct your invective it at me and no-one else. I am the driver of the car and I am totally responsible for whatever is on my car.
And I would suggest to those that have more to say, create a new thread and crucify me there, but let the rest of this Runoffs thread focus on the amazing drives of Preston, Selin and Chris at the 2017 SCCA Runoffs at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Firstly, I think for the sake of the community, this apology and explanation is too vague.  There is more to the story and since I don't want to be too much of an ass, I want to give Danny the chance to bring it all to light before the telephone game starts and we hear twisted stories, instead of the right one. This is personal for myself and others as Danny has called our cars, and Drago's cars cheated up this whole year, yet shows up to the runoffs with an intentional cheat. Danny, this is your chance to make it right by us, own up to it all the way, and bring everything in to light.  If you do that, you will earn my some of my respect back, whether you care about my respect or not.


Actually I believe it was built by Long Road Racing and Rossini together if memory serves.  Since Danny taking all of the blame is some fall on sword type BS, I'll run through some scenarios:


A) Long RR modified the arms when building the car:  This is idiotic, why blatantly cheat up the FIRST car of a new joint venture car building deal?  ESPECIALLY with the attention (mostly good) that Danny draws to himself and his program.  AND possibly ruining their factory deal to build Global cars for Mazda Corp?  


B ) OPM modified the arms when prepping the car:  I would bet my car this didn't happen, Tom has careered making Danny's cars top flight and is way smarter than this.  HOWEVER: Jeff at Autotechnik has a pile of cheated parts from customers that have come through the door over the years with cheated shit and does not allow this BS in our camp.  IMO there's no way OPM didn't see this and advise Danny/Long/Rossini, when you turn the rear cams straight up and you get 5 degrees it's bloody obvious.


C) Rossini modified the arms after Long built the car and before Danny got it:  This saves Long but not OPM for knowing, although Mike is an engine builder and mostly stays in that lane from what I can tell.  He also knows how many times Danny (and us) get taken apart, he's smarter than this... It's like Lance Armstrong cheating.... wait what?




I'm right there with Mr. Davison and Mr. Bolanos...  I tried to express it on the "SM Man Drama" facebook page but failed.  We all know how little wrenching Danny has done over the past years.  Danny needs to explain in detail how he got these arms got on his car and how "his team/shops" never saw them.  Until that happens, all involved are part of the story which is a sad one.


This morning I fb messaged Tracy Fowler expressing my sorrow that Danny has put them in a very bad position and that I hope that Danny would come 100% clean and explain how he was able to do this on his own.  Then and only then will those who support Danny's racing program be unscrewed or not if they indeed were negligent and part of it.


Yeah yeah yeah...  I'm out of the sport....  I still love the class and still think the on-track product is the best in amateur racing.

The stupid bullshit cheating needs to stop, It takes all the fun out of it.  It's time to hold all involved accountable not just the driver.  

#103205 Let’s not crucify Danny, but...

Posted by john mueller on 10-02-2017 11:48 AM in Spec Miata (SM)

Steyn, RRP, OPM, we are all to blame. No-one else. I made a poor decision that will cost us dearly.


As the driver I take full responsibility. It is always ultimately my decision. There are winners and learners, and this, believe me, is one incredibly painful learning lesson for us all.


Tech was exceptional. The way they handled everything was detailed, thorough and professional.


OPM & RRP, I'm sorry Danny could not un-implicate you guys.

Now is the time for you clean your house up, change your policy of looking the other way and come back from this better than before.  It's not worth the stigma of being a cheater.

#105287 NASA Announces the Creation of the Toyo Tires Classic Offering the Largest Pa...

Posted by john mueller on 12-09-2017 02:02 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

You know the tire business is good when they can throw that kind of dough into the purse.


Gets eyeballs on amateur racing in general and will surely draw a large field for the race.  Well Done NASA and Toyo!!!


Personally, I'm rethinking my retirement....  Might have to run the season and this event. 

#105897 HANS device recommendations

Posted by john mueller on 01-22-2018 03:21 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

I like the NecksGen REV so much I became an autorized reseller.  It's perfect size for our tiny cars.

#109803 The Devil in the Dark 2018

Posted by john mueller on 09-15-2018 03:07 PM in Spec Miata (SM)


#106825 NASA Announces New National Teen Mazda Challenge Program

Posted by john mueller on 03-12-2018 08:24 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

Johnny, who is running/adminstering the program now that Ron is gone?