Community Status Updates
Todd Lamb
RT @DepressedDarth: First look at the set of Star Wars
05-23-2014 07:03 PM
Phil Mather
Went outside for lunch. I don't want to go back in. Need to move my cube outside on days like this.
05-23-2014 12:29 PM
Sam Barnett
Andrew Anderson and I were on Pawn Stars tonight. If you DVR'ed it we are in the background of the dinosaur egg segment. We are both wearing black shirt and black hat.
05-22-2014 11:00 PM
Phil Mather
Leaving work today, I saw a FedEx truck blow through a yellow light at speed across a 4-lane intersection...and it got air and bounced a couple times on landing! FedEx...getting your packages there as fast as possible. But not necessarily in one piece.
05-22-2014 09:36 PM
Todd Lamb
Almost went for the @AllagashBrewing Curieux but since it's only 8am I got a coffee instead. #poorlifedecisions
05-22-2014 08:10 AM
Todd Lamb
RT @DownGoesBrown: Pretty sure the Kings unpaused the game in the third period while the Blackhawks went to get money for the pizza guy.
05-22-2014 12:04 AM
Thinking I may need a new racing suit....any suggestions out there that are good and light and don't break the bank? I know, I know......
05-21-2014 05:08 PM
Sam Barnett
Fellow racers, do you find yourself not using the horn on your street car? I realized this morning that I never use mine, I simply move my car to be visible like you do on the track since you have no horn. I think it's a bad habit. Discuss....
05-21-2014 08:35 AM
AJ Roderick
Girl this morning tries passing me left of center on a 4 lane road.... She had to get back behind me and proceeds to flip me off. Hope you enjoyed the soot
05-21-2014 07:34 AM
AJ Roderick
Per JHM I should put 50 ft lbs of tension on my alternator belt.... I'm sorry but wat
05-20-2014 09:42 PM
Todd Lamb
RT @VictoryBeer: Instant growler-drying rack! Love it! #BeerMakesYouSmarter RT @TFoulds280: @VictoryBeer #homemade ^…
05-20-2014 07:54 AM
Have to do my race video and watch a bunch of others....want to see the bump Spencer Anderson laid on me.
05-19-2014 08:44 PM