Community Status Updates
So Volko needs an iPad as a sales anyone still running an iPad 2? Thoughts?
04-16-2014 06:08 PM
AJ Roderick
I beginning to dislike JHM... Multiple issues and the customer service has given me every excuse why it's not an issue with them
04-16-2014 02:42 PM
Phil Mather
Why is there a meeting to get input from everyone when the decision has already been made?
04-16-2014 12:22 PM
Todd Lamb
VIDEO - Had some fun at Summit Point in a GS Mustang this past weekend:
04-14-2014 05:28 PM
pat slattery
Why does OBAMA state that requiring voters to show a photo ID is racist, but the he has no problem with requiring ID to get on a plane, drive a car, etc.
04-14-2014 02:15 PM
Phil Mather
I wish I could post half the things I want to on FB, but can't since I try and stay somewhat respectable....and employed.
04-14-2014 12:05 PM
AJ Roderick
Dropping off the S4 for some fresh parts. Only people other than myself I trust to work on the car!
04-13-2014 07:34 PM
Phil Mather
Woohoo! I got my compressor rewired to 220V! It runs much better now. Still a bit sluggish around max pressure, but it gets there. It would only get to 70psi on 115V, now it gets to full 100psi.
04-12-2014 07:58 PM
that moment when you foil wrap your brisket, look at your watch, and look at the temp.....
04-12-2014 03:22 PM
Phil Mather
shut up brain, shut up brain, shut up have some beer...
04-11-2014 09:14 PM