Community Status Updates
Phil Mather
My dad told me he was going to do some computer maintenance tomorrow. I asked if he was going to use digital or analog fluid.
03-22-2014 09:35 PM
Phil Mather
Ugh...emergency plumbing job. What was a drip that was filling a bucket every week turned into a spray when I went to look at it. Turned out to be a crack in the shutoff valve. Had to get it fixed by a plumber unfortunately due to no time next week. I hate emergency expenses...
03-22-2014 06:19 PM
Alex Bolanos
P1 at Road Atlanta! Great race with Andrew Carbonell Jim Drago and Dillon. Thanks again to Momo, Apex Alignment, and Autotechnik for your support!
03-22-2014 03:06 PM
Todd Lamb
Came from 12th to 5th, so much fun in this group! “@sccalive: Checkered Flag! three wide, two car lengths between 1st and 5th. #SCCAMajors"
03-22-2014 02:05 PM
All these people doing crazy prep work to their race cars.....sure am glad I have a spec miata
03-22-2014 10:46 AM
Alex Bolanos
Beers, friends, and chapelle show reruns at the track in the motor home... Life is good
03-20-2014 10:28 PM
so i'm sure you have all seen this, but I only heard of it on wfuv this morning.
03-20-2014 09:18 PM
AJ Roderick
So I got Tonys tires mounted. Who wants em? 100 bucks with wheels ;)
03-20-2014 06:04 PM