Community Status Updates
Why do we have two Keurigs, a French Press, and another Cuisinart coffee maker under one roof?
12-31-2012 03:49 PM
Mike Collins
Time out on the second play of the game...come on skins...get your sh!t together
12-30-2012 07:48 PM
pat slattery
Who thinks they can beat my high score on Stack 'em High? You could win a 16GB iPad2 or you could Instantly win $1,000,000. Give it a try:
12-30-2012 04:38 PM
Todd Lamb
I'm a cantankerous arm-wrestler with a heart of gold! What does your style of beer say about YOU? -->
12-29-2012 01:10 PM
AJ Roderick
Come on FB friends! Don't be selfish now! Follow this amazingly awesome racer.
12-28-2012 08:23 PM
Phil Mather
Back in MI a day early due to pending weather in the mountains tomorrow.
12-28-2012 05:14 PM
Jonathan Ng
The Coors Light cowgirl hat. The epitome of class, and fashion. Said no one ever.
12-28-2012 07:41 AM
AJ Roderick
Mobile tool box/ repair shop heading to Willowick. Need something fixed? I got an app for that!
12-27-2012 06:25 PM
pat slattery
Who thinks they can beat my high score on Stack 'em High? You could win a 16GB iPad2 or you could Instantly win $1,000,000. Give it a try:
12-27-2012 12:12 PM
pat slattery
Who thinks they can beat my high score on Stack 'em High? You could win a 16GB iPad2 or you could Instantly win $1,000,000. Give it a try:
12-26-2012 04:05 PM
Phil Mather
Went to see Skyfall. They started playing Hobbit 3D. ummm...15 min. later they corrected it after about 10 people complained. Skyfall was pretty good, btw.
12-25-2012 07:57 PM