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AJ Roderick

I'm doing this with or without you. If you want to be apart of something great, then hop on board.
11-07-2012 10:25 PM


Got my first birthday present from my favorite little sister. An iPhone case with a bottle opener.. Best sister ever?
11-07-2012 10:25 PM

pat slattery

Where can I sign up for an Obama phone Really embarrased for and at our Country :(
11-07-2012 12:53 PM


Copied from my friend Matthew Pombo. He is EXCATLY spot on, and BOTH sides are GUILTY of dividing the country into voting blocks hearding like cattle or sheep. "Only post ill give. This process is broken when the candidates can spend more on campaigning than would cost to rebuild NY and NJ after Sandy. We need a salary cap and restricted "recruiting" guidelines for this process. Also, as a Hispanic I would prefer that I'm campaigned for as an American. We've worked so hard over 50 yrs on th...
11-07-2012 12:53 PM


A customer service message from Volko Supply to our friends as they get heat back...... If you have hardwood floors, try to bring the heat up slowly in the house.....bring it up too fast and you may buckle the floors.. Good luck out there folks! Call us if you need material or contractor recommendations.
11-07-2012 12:53 PM


does anyone want to go see the airborne toxic event at webster hall?
11-07-2012 09:45 AM


Guess no matter what the politicians do, I need to go run my business and employ my people, right?
11-07-2012 06:40 AM

AJ Roderick

Tonight was a good reminder why I don't do car / truck scene with my vehicles. I've had enough of this childish bullshit and drama.
11-06-2012 11:32 PM

Jim Drago

What a shame! We re elected a total failure of a president instead of a man that would have turned this country around. We deserve whatever we get and you haven't seen anything yet. Our generation and our children 's generation will likely never recover from this president and the mess he will leave in his wake, a very sad day in the history of our nation.
11-06-2012 11:32 PM

Todd Lamb

I just earned the 'Election Day (2012)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/pHOeUCUL #VoteSocially
11-06-2012 11:32 PM


Bla, bla, bal, Romney, bla Obama, bla bla...DUH.....To quote my friend, "America you get what you deserve".......another 1000 rounds of 7.62x54r please........
11-06-2012 11:32 PM

Charlie James

Now is the time to start the reconciliation, not recriminations. Our hope is not in one leader or another, but in the God who is much bigger than all of these minor things. Our prayers go out for all of those elected tonight, that they may lead their people well!
11-06-2012 11:31 PM


As Big O is CIC I am obliged to "take orders". Accordingly as a Libertarian, a firm believer in the Constitution and as protest and reflection of my utter disdain for the 2 part system, I officially voted for no one with a D or R in their pedigree........Shot fired!
11-06-2012 08:17 PM


Chances are I'm going to stay up late watching election coverage, though I'm betting we do not have an answer on who will be president for over a week.
11-06-2012 08:17 PM

AJ Roderick

thinking of getting a europlate for my audi... i was thinking of having it say europoop. bout sums it up
11-06-2012 10:56 AM