Community Status Updates
AJ Roderick
Last race of the year in the car this weekend, one of the biggest fields we have had at Nelson's. It's gonna be exciting starting from last in the first race. If you wanna come out, message me for the info!
10-16-2012 11:50 AM
Todd Lamb
A few companies should take notes on @americanexpress customer service....helpful and friendly people on the phones!
10-16-2012 11:50 AM
Every time I watch a race at limerock I flinch and ask myself why I love that track so much. I mean they have great chocolate chip cookies, but have I not hit anything there?
10-15-2012 10:58 PM
Volko Supply.....the type of customer service that can get miata parts for their customers so everyone can race this weekend.....I swear there are moments when I actually do my job and sell roofing.
10-15-2012 01:15 PM
Phil Mather
Powerpoint Slides are talking points. You dont need to read me your entire overcrowded slide! We'd be done by now!
10-15-2012 10:08 AM
Todd Lamb
Another #24hob in the books. Thanks to all the people that donated to this great cause. #cancersucks
10-14-2012 01:31 PM
Sam Barnett
Just went to Harbor Freight Tools to buy a $100 cart. Walked out with a $800 receipt. How did this happen?
10-13-2012 03:48 PM