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So we're watching a MGMT concert on TV. The following ensues:
Alexis Decerbo Volpe : Is that a woman?
Me: No, that's a hipster.
Alexis: Ohh. Now I see.
05-28-2012 05:40 PM
Just blew the fuses in the apt playing with a broken chandelier. Twice. Apparently this makes Alexis nervous. I am now just resolves to fix it.
05-28-2012 02:34 PM
Sunday CCPS Race @ CMP, Q-6th in class 18th OA. Finished P-3, 8th OA. First Podium finish EVER. Thanks Long Racing for the hot rod!
05-28-2012 08:19 AM
Elliott Skeer
First image I see of Indy is Josef dead in the water :'( #BlameTony
05-27-2012 02:55 PM
Phil Mather
Watching the Indy 500 while doing paperwork for Phil Mather Racing. Racing in 2 weeks!!!!!
05-27-2012 11:46 AM
Elliott Skeer
You know its going to be a good day when a 1984 Audi Quattro blows by you at mid rev #Straight5Eargasm
05-27-2012 08:40 AM
Jonathan Ng
Went to the cafe for some oatmeal...oyster bar guy stopped me..."hey! It's the oyster guy!" ಠ_à²
05-24-2012 01:04 PM
WTF is going on here! Every time Im reading a post way down in the news feed FB pops me back to the top of the feed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATE
05-24-2012 09:59 AM
Elliott Skeer
10 minutes into class and joe and I got in trouble for drag racing chairs down the hall. #lastdayofschool
05-23-2012 12:59 PM