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Chris Windsor

Finally got the chance to give the new race car a shake down!! Fast, and moves like it is on rails it's gonna be a lot of fun :-)
03-09-2012 05:57 PM

Elliott Skeer

Career day today at Rush Motorsport, then home to start prep for round 1 of the @MazdaMX5Cup! #LetsGoRacing!
03-09-2012 11:13 AM

Phillip Holifield

Racing at Infineon this weekend. Come out and watch if you can
03-09-2012 04:09 AM


itchy... but I had to take those meds. Still pissing blood and sand. Now I feel like Im floating. weeeeeeeeee
03-08-2012 11:50 PM

AJ Roderick

Nothing but smiles at this point!
03-08-2012 07:53 PM

AJ Roderick

It's been a great day so far. Now to take the race car to load in for the car show
03-08-2012 04:49 PM


I'm watching a guy clean the window of a car using beer and a key. It's ok though......it's his car and he just got in to drive home. Stay classy in your Chevy z34 convertible.
03-08-2012 04:48 PM

Jason Brent Haller

Who among us has not dreamed of a world where tacos are made out of doritos? Well dreamers, our day has arrived and let me be the first to say it is AWESOME! Now where are the cool ranch tacos? Come on taco bell think ahead a little.
03-08-2012 01:40 PM

Elliott Skeer

I wish I was @jasonsaini today ;) #StuckInClass
03-08-2012 10:29 AM

Pete Maerz

President Obama, literally, dropped into work today. After seeing the 787, I think he's looking to trade in Air force One.
03-07-2012 10:20 PM

Sam Barnett

Working to phase out Windows from my company's computers and replace them with Linux by the end of the month. So far the test PC is working flawlessly!
03-07-2012 05:11 PM

AJ Roderick

work 1-5 then race car till i pass out. MLIA
03-07-2012 02:00 PM

Zack Skolnick

Awesome time at Pole Position Raceway Jersey City with Team Wilzig own Alan Wilzig, Dan Sperling, Steven Jaffster, and my dad!
03-06-2012 11:44 PM


Wow. One of those nights where I need to force myself to go to the gym.
03-06-2012 08:33 PM

AJ Roderick

I am drinking the best smoothie ever.
03-06-2012 05:27 PM