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01-21-2012 08:42 PM
AJ Roderick
It's not what you can do with Quattro, it's what Quattro can do for you!
01-21-2012 08:41 PM
Five hour energy before going to the gym. Not sure if that was a good idea.
01-20-2012 08:45 PM
Profanity is the supreme attempt of a feable mind to express itself dad told me that almost 65 years ago and its still right on..Mike cefalo
01-25-2012 07:39 PM
pat slattery
NEW GAME NOTICE! There is a new Gem Swap II contest available to you and your friends. Someone is going to win a 16GB iPad2. PLAY:
01-19-2012 06:20 PM
AJ Roderick
I love when someone doesn't want to be apart of your life and they say they do it bc they want what's best for you. Thank god for excuses.
01-19-2012 12:02 PM