Community Status Updates
pat slattery
CONTEST UPDATE: Currently in 915th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest to win a 16GB iPad2. Think you can do better? You should give it a try:
11-14-2011 06:38 PM
pat slattery
CONTEST UPDATE: Currently in 590th place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest to win a 16GB iPad2. Think you can do better? You should give it a try:
11-14-2011 03:29 PM
Alex Bolanos
The war's in the form of po-e-try so it's straight C4 from the thoughts I bring, Bang
11-14-2011 09:13 AM
pat slattery
CONTEST UPDATE: Currently in 900th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest to win a 16GB iPad2. Think you can do better? You should give it a try:
11-13-2011 07:29 PM
pat slattery
CONTEST UPDATE: Currently in 490th place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest to win a 16GB iPad2. Think you can do better? You should give it a try:
11-13-2011 12:58 PM
pat slattery
Just got a better score on Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest and I am now in 895th place. I am getting closer to winning a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can beat my score? Click here to try:
11-13-2011 09:26 AM
pat slattery
CONTEST UPDATE: Currently in 1072nd place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest to win a 16GB iPad2. Think you can do better? You should give it a try:
11-12-2011 04:11 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Thanks Gastro One! Only 20 hours since my procedure and I can swallow!!
11-12-2011 12:50 PM
pat slattery
CONTEST UPDATE: Currently in 287th place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest to win a 16GB iPad2. Think you can do better? You should give it a try:
11-12-2011 09:38 AM