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class sucked but the night just gets better
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

Jeff Zurschmeide

I'm right there with everyone else noting the passing of Steve Jobs with sadness. Right now I'm working on my Mac Mini, with my Macbook also on the desk, my iPhone and iPad right here on the shelf, iPod in the desk drawer (and another one in my car), while Kate's using her MacBook in the next room....yeah, I really like the products this guy pioneered. Thanks, Mr. Jobs, for all the goodies.
10-06-2011 02:18 AM


Wondering to myself why government spends so much money teaching kids about safe sex when a copy of World of Warcraft guarantees virginity and only costs about $30.
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

Grey Raines

Thanks to SCR for an awesome weekend at CMP. Also to Panic Motorsports for car setup.
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

Jason Mohr

The Miata is running!!!
10-06-2011 02:18 AM


Yummy Tuesday! Double the pleasure, Double the fun! ;)
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

George Fusner

Audi wins!!!!!!!
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

Doug Makishima

Working at D2 Tech's HQ in Santa Barbara this week.
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

Stephanie Andersen

Good luck to my friends competing in the Runoffs this weekend!
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

AJ Roderick

I think I'll give the Audi a bath today!
10-06-2011 02:18 AM

Tom Neel

Becoming a father is the best thing in the world!!!
10-06-2011 02:17 AM

Pete Maerz

Preparing for the heat wave. The temperature is predicted to reach 80 degrees in Everett, WA!
10-06-2011 02:17 AM

Jim Drago

new Dexter! Yeah! :)
10-06-2011 02:17 AM

Josh Chaney

- On this day in 1957, the satellite Sputnik 1 was launched into orbit by the Soviet Union, beginning a new age of human exploration and a race to conquer the moon.
10-06-2011 02:17 AM

Alex Bolanos

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” -Steve Jobs
10-06-2011 02:17 AM