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Classic Jeremy Clarkson http://fb.me/BPMcQUtq
03-16-2011 08:18 AM

John Hammer

Good morning world...oh, what's that on my bed? Cat vomit. I see how the day is starting...
03-16-2011 07:18 AM


I was drunk and it was valentines day.
03-16-2011 03:58 AM

John Hammer

Alright, let's see what today brings... In my old car I turned 1:52.1 laps, so far the best I've had in the "new" car is 1:58.xx. Obviously, something is amiss. We found a couple small things yesterday so I'm excited to get back in the car & see if that helped any.
03-15-2011 08:44 PM

John Hammer

Uh oh, I've introduced my son to chewing gum!
03-15-2011 07:40 PM


Kate Beckinsale
03-15-2011 05:39 PM


March 15th. First major tax filing deadline of the year. I am in a GOOD mood today.
03-15-2011 08:15 AM

Dan S → Sky Chan

How much to ship to 46260?
03-13-2011 11:27 PM

William Bonsell → Mike Colangelo

Hey Mike...
Look forward to seeing you at Portland on the 19th. Afraid I will be a bit of a fair weather participant. If weather really stinks, may not head south. I am not sure if we were ever on the track together last year. Have to make a point to make that happen this year.
Enjoy all of your posting on the various forums.
03-13-2011 08:52 PM

Dan Cooper

Help my buddy Josh win this contest! click the link and like the picture!!! http://t.co/gG6GELv via @WarrenMillerEnt
03-13-2011 08:23 PM


Just hit golf balls for the first time on ten years. Not as bad as I thought it would be but not good either.
03-13-2011 05:19 PM

Tom Hampton

If anyone has PDFs of any other FSMs, PM me. I have 1.6NA and 1.8NA, already. I'm happy to host them all.
03-13-2011 08:15 AM
  • Cy Peake's Photo
    Cy Peake
    Hi Tom, A buddy of mine new to track stuff needs the FSM for a 1.6. How can he go about getting this from you? Can you email me a .pdf or something?

    05-14-2011 09:16 AM
  • Tom Hampton's Photo
    Tom Hampton
    Hey cy. You can download direct from my site. Goto the downloads page. It's about 89mb.
    05-20-2011 12:41 PM

Brian Ghidinelli

Had lunch with @gordbentley today about coaching in 2011 - great chat over lunch at Sol Food's secret dining room in San Rafael
03-11-2011 10:52 PM

Brian Ghidinelli

Serious question: what to do when you can't get the same level of quality from someone else that you expect from yourself?
03-11-2011 03:28 AM

Dan Cooper

watching Dave Matthews Bans on @PalladiaHD. This is awesome.
03-10-2011 08:43 PM