Community Status Updates
John Hammer
Spent the day "upgrading" my Blackberry. Yikes...I "think" its working now.
02-19-2011 10:13 PM
John Hammer
Lost my Blackberry Messenger contacts list. Wanna be on it? Send a request to my pin: 31D259BC
02-19-2011 10:13 PM
John Hammer
Ugggh, no wonder things weren't working... Twitter has blocked UberTwitter & twidroyd for "voilating our policies."
02-19-2011 05:55 AM
John Hammer
Treat Night for Alex tonight; books, popcorn, truck race on TV...and he gets to sleep in our bed tonight. :D
02-18-2011 09:13 AM
Dan Cooper
I blame Thursday night television for the mass quantities of coffee I'm going to have to drink tomorrow.
02-18-2011 01:46 AM