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John Hammer

Good signals tonight on The Big One WLW Cinci & WBBM Chicago. Plus Grand Ol Opry on 650 WSM Nashville!
01-30-2011 09:30 PM

Brian Ghidinelli

RT @MazdaUSA: And that wraps it up for the #Rolex24. 4 Mazdas finished in the top 10. Look for pictures this week at www.facebook.com/Mazda
01-30-2011 06:21 PM

John Hammer

Aaaaaaand...now I've made S Carolina.
01-30-2011 06:21 PM

John Hammer

Left the track, headed home. Caravaning w/ Chris.
01-30-2011 03:04 PM

John Hammer

It is SO good to see a Brumos Porsche 911 on track!
01-30-2011 11:34 AM

John Hammer

Sun is starting to come up...and I'm off for a nap. Sweet dreams from the Rolex 24!
01-30-2011 08:24 AM

John Hammer

5am update. 01 Ganassi still in the lead. Battle for 3rd, McMurray 02 & C Fittipaldi 9 nose to tail!!! Rolex 24
01-30-2011 04:42 AM

Brian Ghidinelli

Great #Rolex24 so far. Can someone tell Jon Fogarty when he spins, two feet in? Just sayin.
01-30-2011 12:33 AM

John Hammer

Okay, I must close my eyes for a bit. Goal; to be conscious at the track at 2am!
01-30-2011 12:33 AM

John Hammer

Dinnertime @ Daytona. Grills everywhere, the scent of hardwoods, sausages, burgers & beer. A racer's dream!
01-29-2011 08:06 PM

John Hammer

#81 Ferrari leaking fluid under braking... Rolex 24
01-29-2011 04:26 PM

John Hammer

Alright gang, I'm headed back to the track, Rolex 24 starts at 3:30. Speed is covering in 2 seven hour blocks; 3-10 today, 9-4 Sunday.
01-29-2011 01:03 PM

John Hammer

Race day at Daytona...and I woke up with the scratchy throat that signals the start of a cold. Oh No!
01-29-2011 09:28 AM


Recently got a Traqmate and the wife is started to get pissed at me for comparing her time to/from the market compared to mine... need to get out on the track soon!!!
01-28-2011 10:23 PM

Dan Cooper

Hey @lauralawson what ever happened to the giants painting/picture/artwork/awesomeness I was going to buy?!
01-28-2011 07:59 PM