Community Status Updates
Sam Barnett
Had a great time racing today with Panic Motorsports! Congratulations to my teammate Chris Topping on his big win! Looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow!
08-30-2014 07:54 PM
AJ Roderick
Beware all nascar drivers, tony Stewart is coming back. Remain in vehicle at all times lol
08-28-2014 07:08 PM
Andrew Charbonneau
11-13-2014 10:07 PM
AJ Roderick
At a convent store grabbing a couple things and talking on the phone to Don Harrington, I see a silver Audi drive by and go "wow that's a nice Audi and sounds good too" then I realized it was Rachel Sherman driving my S4 ._.
08-27-2014 06:44 PM
Todd Lamb
Oh my. Very nice. - Drinking an Undead Party Crasher by @clownshoesbeer @ Skids Not Squids —
08-27-2014 06:44 PM
AJ Roderick
My goal is to enter in one of these super car "rally" aka long cruises and have the cheapest car and be the poorest person there
08-26-2014 02:19 PM
those days when you most want to skip the gym are probably the days when you most need to go. Time to go I guess.
08-25-2014 07:54 PM
Phil Mather
How can a company agree to a 1 year price/month, and then raise the price after 5 months? I really wish there was an alternative to Comcast/Xfinity internet!
08-24-2014 08:07 PM
Todd Lamb
RT @nasaproracing: Napa Valley, CA - Hawk Performance will be offering ‘Hawk Bucks’ to ALL classes at this year’s NASA...…
08-22-2014 09:15 PM