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Ross Bentley webinar: "7 Habits of Highly Effective HPDE Instructors"

hpde instructing webinar speed secrets

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Brian Ghidinelli

Brian Ghidinelli


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  • Location:San Rafael, CA
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MotorsportReg.com and Ross Bentley are teaming up to provide a free webinar on his recent e-book, "Brake, Brake, BRAKE- the HPDE Instructor Manifesto".  There are two times available on February 12th but space is limited and we're already more than 50% sold out so sign up now!




If you ever find yourself in the right-hand seat or offering advice to another driver, this webinar and Ross' ebook will help distill the tactics that Ross has learned over the years to help you be more effective.


I created MotorsportReg.com back in 2002 for a single HPDE program in California and now it's used by more than 550 motorsport clubs, race tracks and sanctioning bodies around the world.  I'll be the moderator so I hope to see Spec Miata represent!



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