So my problems started when the rubber stop on the clutch broke, which caused the clutch pedal to have a bunch of free play when you let off it. I tried to adjust out as much of the play as I could without the stop.
Then I started to have weird problems. The car won't start sometimes, I think because the clutch switch isn't engaging all the way. Everything is fine, the car just doesn't crank. If I push harder on the clutch sometimes it will start.
The other thing is that the parking brake light on the dash won't light up when the parking brake is on, but it will flicker and light up when the clutch is fully depressed. I'm not 100% sure it used to light up with the parking brake on, because that's something so normal I wouldn't notice.
Anyway, I got a new rubber stop and with that installed the clutch seems to be adjusted correctly and the car starts. I took apart the parking brake lever trying to figure out if a bad ground or something on that switch might be making the dash light act weird.
The attached picture is what the bottom of the parking brake lever looks like. There seems to be at least part of a switch, but no wires whatsoever. I have no idea what it is suppose to look like or where the wires would be.
I'm not sure what else to look at for the parking brake light coming on. I confirmed that it only comes on when the car is running and the clutch is all the way in and it is flickering. The parking brake lever doesn't matter. Also, even though the car starts in my garage, I'm still worried it won't start this weekend when I need it to.