All the pertinents and such.
After destroying two motors at the runoffs this year...waiting for my new power plant from East Street so I can make it to Auto Club. The Memphis shop I hear was really slammed to get everyone taken care of. Good luck to all in 2015!
Race hard my friends,
Dean Busk
Director/Spec Liaison Az. SCCA
True North Equity Group
After destroying two motors at the runoffs this year...waiting for my new power plant from East Street so I can make it to Auto Club. The Memphis shop I hear was really slammed to get everyone taken care of. Good luck to all in 2015!
7 Busk, Dean Spec Miata 2000 Mazda Spec Miata Commercial Brokers, Inc Chandler, AZ
80 Dickerson, Dakota Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata Rush Motorsports, Oakley San Diego, CA
21 Filippi, Mason Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata Cutting edge Drapery Alamo, CA
8 Gallaher, Marco Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata First Community Bank, PFR Santa Rosa, CA
71 Gong, Curtis Spec Miata 2001 Mazda Miata RM Autosports San Diego, CA
85 Harms, John Spec Miata 1999 Mazda MX-5 RM Autosports Plano, TX
25 Hu, Francis Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata Performance Composites Huntington Beach, CA
13 Launchbaugh, Todd Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata Lee & Associates Glendora, CA
33 Lee, Clement Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata RM Autosports San Diego, CA
10 Mollno, Wesley Spec Miata 1991 Mazda Miata Glendora, CA
99 Nelson, Bill Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Miata RushMotorsport WAlnut, CA
180 Pierangeli, Giorgio Spec Miata 2009 Mazda spec miata Oliva Restaurant Sherman Oaks Los Angeles, CA
17 Skeer, Elliott Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Spec Miata Rush Motorsports Carlsbad, CA
76 Stewart, Gregory Spec Miata 1994 Mazda Miata San Diego, CA
92 Thomas, Eric Spec Miata 1991 Mazda Miata Las Vegas, NV
65 Tweedlie, Dave Spec Miata 1999 Mazda Spec Miata Team Tweedlie Racing Riverside, CA
98 Varco, David Spec Miata 1992 Mazda Miata Aardvarc Racing, US Wheel Repair Bonita, CA
Hey, a 2009 spec!
Best of luck to Marco and Mason( team up boys!) representing NorCal! And my friend Mr. Busk from fence country!
Elliot and Clement will be hard to money!
Elliot and Clement will be hard to money!
This may be true but I am pulling for Dave Varco to win. Dave has been looking for a win in Sm at this track for quite some time. Nova's one win in SM was at this track and denying Dave his sought after win here. Tear it up Dave.
This may be true but I am pulling for Dave Varco to win. Dave has been looking for a win in Sm at this track for quite some time. Nova's one win in SM was at this track and denying Dave his sought after win here. Tear it up Dave.
Well, if he wins at this track in a 1992 and passes much for any 1.6 help I to will route for Dave along with my norcal friends!
Well, if he wins at this track in a 1992 and passes much for any 1.6 help
I to will route for Dave along with my norcal friends!
Ron, why would the 1.6 be disadvantaged here? The racing is well above the low RPM levels that Bench mentions as the 1.6 disadvantage.
Interestingly though, when I looked at Novas on board after this race I noticed him short shifting, coasting, and overall just slacking it during the in field section and I asked him what was going on. Turns out that he listens to his old man too much. I told him before the race to make sure he stayed with Varco in the infield so he had a partner on the oval. But the way he was tearing up the in field over the 1.6 and a 99 for that matter, he should have tossed my advise out and rabbittted it out of there ( Daves 1.6 was having some gearbox problems though). When the weather is cool and the track is very fast, the NA 1.8 is a strong car. Problem is that the weather is rarely cool here and we rarely drive ovals.
But then again he did win that day so I guess he did everything exactly right to win.
Aero and Hoosier tires!! Here is last years results...
Matt Schultz, Tim Weaver, Joey Jordan and David V all 1.6's! Schultz had just won the NASA champs a few months before in the same car! All capable drivers...and the best anyone could do was Weaver on Sunday in 10th(and that would have been 11th had Charlie not run out of gas!)
A dance partner is 100% necessary here...and if you have to hope, one lap your flying either pushing or being pushed and the next your watching 4 cars go by 10mph faster!
I think there is something more telling in the top 3 listings from I think Saturdays race. See anything in common with those top 3 cars? And why would Hoosiers make the difference between a 1.6 and a non 1.6? I am asking seriously and value every bit of advice you have ever given me.
A quick anecdote about Ron. Ron was going to meet up with me and my son at Mazda Raceway last year. Ron came over to our trailer looking for us. He only found Nova, and Ron and I never did hook up that weekend. But what Ron didn't know was that I saw him at our trailer talking with my son. For a dad it was a very cool sight to see your son talking with an experienced racer. I didn't want to interrupt that discussion they were having because I have a tendency to get too involved causing Nova to become more quiet than he usually is. I valued Ron and Nova having a racer to racer talk more than I valued anything I could bring to the table at that time. I smiled to myself,,,,,,turned and walked away letting them finish to man, racer to racer.
I will never forget that Ron and I am appreciative of all the racers helping to raise up a boy that became a man for a short time because of all of you.
I think there is something more telling in the top 3 listings from I think Saturdays race. See anything in common with those top 3 cars? And why would Hoosiers make the difference between a 1.6 and a non 1.6? I am asking seriously and value every bit of advice you have ever given me.
Well, Saturdays race top 3 would certainly be "locals" in common. At Sundays race Elliot was not there and a couple of the out of towners were getting the track figured out. Dean Busk set a new track record on Sunday when he and Charlie(I think? May have been Mark D)hooked up on the banking. Forget who was pushing but it was crazy...they went by other cars/teams at the front like they were standing still. Mark and his 94 were the best on the infield...and fine if he had a teammate on the banking. But alone, equal powered NB cars gained/pulled away the last half/third of the oval.
As far as the Hoosier and the 1.6...the tire is heavier and taller than the RA1.. It would seem the torque difference in the cars has a lot to do with this as well as the rotating mass. This has been said here many times by drivers with actual seat experience and data. This is what I base my thought on. How much i'm sure can be debated. As an example, the last year of the RA1(2012), top 1.6 drivers put down times in the low 1:46's at Laguna. Next year in the same cars, same track and conditions, they could only run the same times on SM6's. The 1.8 cars did show improvement at the front as well as through the pack for all cars. It was much harder to be fast on the Toyo...the Hoosier inspired confidence and could/can be driven at the edge much easier.
I think the RR is very similar to the Hoosier in its affect on the 1.6. I think some in SFR will find this out this year! The 1.6 drivers will improve their times(more confidence inspiring)but on average the 1.8 drivers will have a greater speed increase. Just my guess!
I to wont forget that day James! But for the record...I'm not an experienced racer. More accurate would be an experienced car owner. As the saying goes i know just enough to be dangerous! Kidding aside, I just love hanging at the track. With that comes tons of conversations with all levels of experience. Like a good student, i take note of all the great info and try to weed out the BS. I take in advise and give it freely if i'm asked...and unless it is my own first hand knowledge i never claim what I pass on as my own! Always give credit to better guys than myself! Look forward to our next day James!
As far as I am concerned, you and I are experienced racers. Sometimes I think drivers believe that they are sprinting across the finish line with their legs instead of the awesome equipment we build for them to go and play bumper cars in. Racing is a bi-dimensional sport and the mechanics of it are every bit as important as the balls needed by the driver to be on the limit 99% of the time.
Now I am actually transitioning into the drivers seat. But it won't matter if I am winning races, I will always consider myself a mechanic that drives the equipment I love to work on. I know that the questions you asked and the advice you gave that day were added to a long string of valuable information from all kinds of people through the years. And that everyones experience and knowledge is built on the backs of those that went before us. That doesn't minimize in any way the value of that help or minimize my thankfulness to all that helped me raise a great boy.
Thank you for the insights on the 1.6 and the tire going on to it. Makes a lot of sense. The thing I noticed about the top 3 on Saturday is the garage that built their cars. AAA is the kind of place though that can minimize the advantages that a particular garage has over the competition if a group of drivers get together and decide to work as a team as you have pointed out. The people that are at the top on Sunday are experienced enough to have that figured out and negate the advantage that garage may have on the field.
I thought the same thing about the tire weight and dim but has it change with the 7? Looking at tirerack specs here.
It didn't paste right but toyo 20lbs and 23" dia
Hossiers 17lbs and 22.8" dia ??
40 C A 1168 lbs.
51 psi
20 lbs. 5.5-7.5"
SLMax Load = 1,113 lbs
Max psi = 44 psi
Treadwear: 40
Traction: C
Temperature: A40 C A
1113 lbs. 44 psi 4/32" 17 lbs. 5.5-7.5" 6.5" 8.5" 8.1" 22.8" Country of Origin "US" = UNITED STATES OF AMERICAUS
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