Has anybody ever used 50/50 blend of Muriatic Acid (pool supply PH adjuster, HCl) and water to clean the hard water deposits out of the radiator?
We've been trying vinegar, rad flush, CLR, Baking soda and Water, all with no avail. We have the radiator un-installed and the solutions are jus sitting in there. Maybe running the car with the heat and flow of the engine/water pump would help.
We didn't clean the overflow tank on the donor car before we ran the season and now our car is overheating from a clogged radiator. Radiator manufactuer's warranty doesnt cover internal corrosion, or else we would have just picked up a new Radiator. Trying to save a buck by un-clogging this one before we shell out the coin for a new radiator.
Do you think this would be ok to flush the engine with for a few minutes or am I asking for disaster?