Just reading the TSBs while awaiting delivery of GMX5 Cup. Noticed the GEMS ECU enables flat shift rev cut. Does it work well? Just hold the throttle flat and clutch to upshift?
Flat shift?
Started by
, 04-18-2017 06:15 PM
Posted 04-18-2017 06:15 PM
Posted 04-18-2017 08:36 PM
My Spec Miata has flat shift rev cut. You keep the pedal down and shift at the rev lim cutout....
- dc2696 and rayray like this
Posted 04-19-2017 07:36 AM
My Spec Miata has flat shift rev cut. You keep the pedal down and shift at the rev lim cutout....
Nice. Must be a challenge at first to go against your instinct and muscle memory to lift.
Posted 04-19-2017 07:50 AM
Didn't they make that because some of these kids racing the global cup cars didn't know how to shift?
- Jim Drago, Preston Pardus and av8tor like this
John Davison
Autotechnik Racing / 5x Racing
2016 - Central Florida Region Champion
2017 - The People's Champion
2017 - President of DSFC
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