Introducing a new program where you get more TrackTime and less Paddock Time. Sanctioned by NASA, TrackTime focuses on providing you as much track time as possible at an affordable price. Less on track traffic, less registration hassle, all focusing to get you on the track to enjoy driving.
For more information go to The rules are in the FAQ section and are less than two pages. Come and drive with more freedom, from beginner to advanced.
Our inaugural TrackTime event will be at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, December 22, 2018. This event happens to be on a Saturday!
Sign up, show up, and HAVE FUN with your car at this world famous track!
Short version of the FAQs:
No NASA membership required
STRICT 90 dBA sound limit.
Convertibles need roll bars.
Participants 16 years old and up.
$299.00 before all spaces fill up.
Expected track time:
Group A will be on their own the entire day. Expect five 20 minute sessions.
Group B, C, and D will each get one 20 minute sessions on their own. Afterwards, they will be mixed and enjoy up to 260 minutes of driving time with a maximum of 25 cars on the track.
For more information go to
To Register for the Laguna event go to:
Questions? E-mail: