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AiM Sports Data Training Feb 23-24, Austin TX

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Johnny D

Johnny D

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Winding Road Racing will host a two-day AiM training seminar on February 23 and February 24, 2019 in our Austin, TX location. The seminars will be presented by Roger Caddell, AiM Sports National Training Manager.


The core principle of all AiM Sports LearnFast™ data training is to reveal that data acquisition will allow the user to determine what the vehicle is doing, when it is doing it and why it is doing it while using AiM Sports hardware and software.


This AiM Sports LearnFast™ data seminar has been designed to be very interactive with real examples of actual racing data. This seminar is not just a lecture, AiM Sports National Training Manager Roger Caddell invites questions and comments from attendees and has found that group discussion helps everybody understand the information being delivered more fully.


Seminar: Practical Data Analysis


This seminar will cover:

    What is Data Acquisition
    Why Use Data Acquisition
    How to Use Data Acquisition
    Data Hardware and Installation
    Introducing the Race Studio Software
    Practical Data Analysis
    SmartyCam HD Video


Date: Saturday, February 23, 2019


Location: 2500 McHale Ct, Suite 100A, Austin, TX 78758


Time: 9am – 4pm

Price: $40


Seminar: Advanced Data Analysis


This workshop will cover:

    Advanced Tips and Tricks
    Advanced Race Studio Topics
    Advanced Data Analysis
    Workshop Format


Important: To attend this advanced session, you must have a solid working knowledge of AiM Sports Software as LearnFast™ workshop will not be discussing basic information but rather complex AiM Sports software functions and deep data analysis.


Date: Sunday, February 24, 2019

Location: 2500 McHale Ct, Suite 100A, Austin, TX 78758


Time: 10am – 4pm

Price: $60


Registration for both seminars can be done here.

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