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Posted by Tom Hampton , 12-04-2011 · 5,373 views

I seem to have contracted a cold over Thanksgiving, so I’m laying low this weekend. I figured I might as well start working on the graphics set for the car, until I feel human again. I’ve been using Inkscape (inkscape.org) to do all the decal designs. Its an awesome tool for vector graphics work (and free to boot).

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Once I had all the graphics “designed”, I decided to lay them out on the car and see how it might look. I didn’t end up using everything in the layout above…can’t hurt to have a few extras, tho’ right?

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Continue reading Decals

  • juliancates likes this

Why the weights on the side? I'd be concerned that there is not enough contrast between the car number and the yellow, T&S might give you a hard time. (I saw the black outline version, much better)

Keep in mind that you may not always get your choice of car #. It's good to pick a number/scheme that is easily changed.
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Tom Hampton
12-05-2011 12:53 PM
From my reading of the new SCCA rules(section 9.3.29.D), the weights for each class are required in 2012. So, I added them to see what it would look like.

Per the NASA tire thread, I don't really expect to race in SCCA in 2012, so it doesn't really matter. I probably won't be racing in ITA, either. Just seeing how I would lay it out with two differenct class

Computer bits are cheap to play with, and I was down-and-out with a head cold anyway.

Yes I much prefer the black outlined version, as well.

I understand the car number situation, although our division (like most, I think) has a permament assignment program (I don't really plan on going out of division anytime soon). However, those aren't available until you have a license and have raced once or twice. So, the initial numbers will be temporary anyway.

I suppose the car could quickly become either a 4, 1, or 7 relatively easily.
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Looking good. Leave enough space in your design to add a "1" on both sides of your number and that will likely be enough for you. That is using the base number of 47 it could also be 147 or 471 instead. Even a painter's tape "1" is easy enough to add in a pinch.
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HoneyBadger - BrianW
12-06-2011 09:17 PM
Tom the car looks great... but do you know what happens to those things once you actually start racing? Stop working on that thing and go get someone else's paint on it....
    • tLinder likes this
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Tom Hampton
12-06-2011 09:35 PM

Yeah, I know. As long as it happens on the track, its all good.A cool paint job iwith a wheel mark, is cooler. War wounds and scars are cool.

Aiming at NASA in 2012. Then I'll use that to get an SCCA lic.
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Tom, don't know if you are interested, nor do I know if would "meet the requirements" to take part in M.O.C.A SM race tentatively scheduled for Dec 18 at MSR Cresson?

(And +1 on Brian said. Seems like the nicer the car looks, the more likely it is get damaged. Guess people are distracted by shiny stuff:)))
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Looks good but I would ditch the "jack" and "lift" stickers. Just distract from the look of the car.

An on 9.3.29.d, it only has to be visible to the scrutineers on the scales so that can be pretty small. I would definitely make it smaller than the class letters.
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Tom Hampton
12-07-2011 03:41 PM
its cool that there has been so much interest in this post.

Toby, you talking about Shannon's thing, right? I was talking to Scott Farrell last might and he mentioned it, too. But, he thought that a racing license from some sanctioning body was required to participate. That makes sense...but, I haven't had a chance to look into it further.

Doug, I've gone back and forth on the jack/lift decals. It doesn't cost much to have them cut, if I decide I don't like them...I'll leave them off.

I did realize the 29.d paragraph allows the numbers to be smaller, and I've reduced them to 2" tall (minimum) in my latest files. Again, since I probably won't be running SCCA in 2012, its sorta moot...unless someone happened to use this post as a reference for that rule.
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Yes, I was referring to Shannon's races. According to one of his emails, it is open to all SMs and you don't need a current SCCA/NASA race license. If he knows you and can vouch for you, you are good.

I'm not speaking for Shannon or others, but I don't see why you couldn't start at the back (same method NASA TX usually does). The whole purpose is to make racing easy, fun and cheap.

And for others reading... the race is tentatively set for Sun, Dec 18 at MSR Cresson, TX. Simple ½ day format, practice, qual, race
For info /details email: shannon@motorsportenterprisesracing.com
He's needs 15 to make it firm, believe he's pretty close, the more the merrier, after all, 'tis the season to be merry.
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And in case you wanted my ¢.02 about the decals...
Don't believe weight is required (SCCA TX issues you a decal for each event).
SM / ITA: 4" seem to look best. (I'd stick to SM unless you know for sure you'll be running another class. Just confuses dumb people like me)
LIFT: not needed (if the person operating left can't hit the spot, I don't want them using the lift, nor working on my car).
JACK: I have jack decals (they are more for others who like to lend a hand), keep 'em small.
MAZDA: Couldn't tell if you were going to have them cut or get decal pack from Mazda Dvlp, whichs costs ~$30 with tax / shipping, worth the $.
Car #: If you wanted to make them "pop", out-line them in red or black.
(Glad to see you used Chris for paint work. Looks great & Chris is one the most helpful guys around).
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Tom Hampton
12-08-2011 12:55 PM
You're spot on with your advice about the decals. Chris recommended exactly the same thing. I've made all of those changes in the final version I sent to Chris. Everything is outlined in BLACK, now. The final version is over on my own blog.

The "lift" decals were more for jack stand placement (for helpers...like JACK) than lift-operators. I'm going to see what JACK and LIFT look like in person for the final decision. Its only 8" of blue vinyl.

I'm having the MAZDA decals cut...so they can have a black outline, too.

I also had all the various class letters cut, so that I'd have them. I placed both just to see how it would look. Initially, I'll just put SM on, and that's it. Later, if I decide to double dip in something I have the decals ready to go to add to the car.

Chris is doing the vinyl, too. He did a great job on the paint. The pics look really good, but they still can't do his work justice.
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You built a lot of model cars as a kid, didn't you? =)
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Tom Hampton
12-09-2011 04:06 PM
You pulled the wings off butterflies, as a kid didn't YOU? :-P
    • MPR22 likes this
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Can I put on the first tire mark :) I know I have one coming up here in a few weeks at Sebring or Homestead :(
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looks great
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Tom Hampton
12-20-2011 12:48 PM

Can I put on the first tire mark :) I know I have one coming up here in a few weeks at Sebring or Homestead :(

Lol. It would be an honor....but, you'll have to come down here to do it. Until I get a tow rig, that means a NASA race at MSRC or ECR...once I get my comp license. Sadly, work commitments are probably going to interfere with the first half of this year.
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