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Fun at the Hoosier Open House

Posted by davecarama , 02-07-2011 · 1,724 views

Sorry! I have been away for a while. Out on vacation to the caribbean on a cruise with the wife and inlaws, and then closing out 2 contracts at work, but I am back! Since I took such a long brake, I'll include photos. Pictures are so much more fun that stupid words!

Hoosier Mid-Atlantic had an open house on Saturday January 29th. I ran up there to grab some tires for me and a few friends and got a tour of the warehouse. WOW! They deal mainly in circle, dirt track, and drag racing there, so there were some pretty wicked tires that I have never seen before. They also have a parts store up there now, and it is VERY nice, so I took a tour through that area too. It was like being a kid in a candy store! (Pictures below)

This past weekend, I took a trip out to OG Racing to pick up my new racing seat. I currently have a Tillett full carbon fiber race seat, but the one I have is bottom mount only and is not FIA certified, I needed one that I could use for racing. So with a lot of thought, I decided against a seat with the halo (head protection). It was a tough decision, but I want to mainly do LONG enduros, and I figured driver changes would be easier with the normal seats. I decided on a Sparco EVO. I have had them in the past and think they are quite cumpfy. My appointment is with Piper Motorsports on February 28th. I am VERY psyched to finally have this done. I will most likely put the Tillett seat on the passenger side since I am planning to still instruct HPDEs when I have time.

Next for my car is installing the fire bottle (already purchased), fuel test port, torq all bolts, and give the car a good alignment! Then off to school (March 18-20)!

These are NOT my tires...
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These ARE my tires Picking them up, and loading them in the car was like christmas!!!
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Some of the schwag the guys gave to me:
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This is where I stored them until this weekend:
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They smelled so frikkin good, I decided to brew some beer, and let the fermentation process happen next to the tires!
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Tillett Race seat (I think this is the version of the seat I have. I have the padding in the butt and back section too):
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This is my new Sparco Evo:
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