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Another Chris Haldeman creation in the works


As you can tell Chris knows what he is doing

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - - - - - - · 3,876 views

Chris worked so hard on this car.  I can't thank him enough, since JP3 finished the build a year ago I wanted to paint it. JP3 made me hold off until I got another season under my belt and he was spot on.  The only part of the car that didn't get damaged was the rear deck.   You can see on some of the photos we didn't repair everything to like...


Sand and Buff Sand and Buff

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - * * * * * · 2,935 views

Chris and I spend a couple of hours in the morning wet sanding and buffing the new paint job.  The temperatures were very cold and the clear is very soft.  Chris works over the car so carefully he knows just when he should stop before the heat builds and hazes the finish.  Another two to three hours later and we have the car out for final inspection befor...


In the clear

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - - - - - - · 2,456 views

On goes the clear coat, its 45 dregrees out and we are pushing the limits but I have to hit the road at a reasonable hour Sunday.  Chris finishes the final coat of clear at 11:30 and we call it a night.  Our kids have waited up all night just so we can go look for some of the huge hogs that visit Chris from time to time.  We don't see any, but the nei...


Now for color two

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - - - - - - · 2,401 views

Its now 9pm of day on Saturday day 2 of the restoration.  Chris has spent about 25 hours on the car, many of that on the hard top and rear bumper which where in terrible shape.  If I had to do it all over again I would have purchased new bumper, cheap and its nice to have a usable spare.Chris lays down the tape for the shape of the contrast color.  After...


Now comes the Fun part

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - * * * * * · 2,248 views

Another round of inspections its time to shoot the base coat.  Chris has the prettiest deepest black for base coats and it goes on first.


Fill and Sand Fill and Sand

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - - - - - - · 2,670 views

After several hours of pulling, filling and sanding, Chris had the car prepared for jamming.


And the body work begins

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - - - - - - · 2,067 views

Chris worked on the beat up hard top while I stripped the fenders, hood and old door.


Makeover for 22

Posted by MPR22 , 11-28-2011 - - - - - - · 2,043 views

After Tom Hampton took delivery of his new baby, Chris and I went to work on the 22. This is what she looked like after the TMS race in April when I took the base of a plastic post through the front bumper and radiator at 115.  Replacement parts on and back to racing.

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