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The Saga Begins

Posted by john mueller , 03-28-2013 · 4,316 views

Finding him was the will of the Force, I have no doubt of that. - Qui-Gon Jinn

So I wrecked my 1.6 a month ago. I wish it was just me doing something stupid and going four-off and smacking a wall or something but no... I had to be making a rather ordinary pass in a regular passing zone when my master cylinder decided to take a crap. Yep, it was kinda big'ish, around 50-to-60mph right into the side of Nova Brown.

I felt like crap that I messed his car up. I helped as much as I could with spare parts to get Nova's car ready to roll for Sunday but a visit to the hospital had him with a concussion and a bruised spine... He's not driving anything for a week but he's healed-up and headed up to Buttonwillow next weekend with SoCal NASA.

My car is bent. It probably could be fixed but it took a pretty good shot on the left rear 4hrs 8min into the 2010 25hr and had to visit the frame rack. I decided that night that I'd be building a new car.

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So the search for a donor began and within a few days I found a 99 with only 74000 miles with a hardtop for $2300! Wow, could I really make the leap? How may folks are gonna give me crap over this? Srew 'em.

The car's an automatic, so the motor has had zero stress on it and my first build was and auto swap too... I can take everything off my 1.6 I need, including the NB Torsen swap I did back in 2010. There is a little damage from a street accident but nothing a straight right tre-rod & upper rear control arm and some sheet metal work can't fix.

So my path has been set.

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