Community Status Updates
Getting five surfers together and then deciding on a beach is worse than herding alpacas.
09-09-2012 08:56 AM
AJ Roderick
Nothing like waking up at 3:30 am when youre exhausted and can't fall back asleep
09-09-2012 01:55 AM
Todd Lamb
Finally Atlanta bound! Heading down I-75 with Kid Rock and Joe C riding shotgun.
09-08-2012 06:56 PM
Ran a 1:37.6 today, .6 behind Emilio from 949. Currently in 2nd place. Picked up 1.6 seconds from yesterday though. Going to have to push hard tomorrow morning. Less brake, more gas.
09-08-2012 03:49 PM
Elliott Skeer
Time for the Spec Miata National, remember to cheer on Charlie Hayes!
09-08-2012 01:44 PM
Todd Lamb
Did the iPhone 5 get released today? My iPhone 4 seems to be really slow
09-08-2012 09:35 AM
Two reminders of the fact that I'm old showed up today. First, I went to all American burger in my European wagon yuppie-mobile. Last time I was there I was 18 and driving a red stingray. Second I skipped free bottle service at a NYC club during fashion week tonight so I could clean my apt and go to work tomorrow.
09-07-2012 07:36 PM
Todd Lamb
Qualifying/race day 2 at NASA Nat's. Sunny and warm. SM clients on track soon. Good times!
09-07-2012 07:20 AM