Community Status Updates
Jason Brent Haller
note to jets: QB's are like women. A 6 and a 4 do not make a 10.
03-26-2012 04:26 PM
For anyone that missed it. Iracing at wgi at 8 pm. Inset a session up. Practice, qually, race. If you want to join let me know I'll send the password
03-25-2012 06:41 PM
Tom Neel
Time to dewinter the pool and this year we get all new pool furniture...Going to be a long day shopping...
03-25-2012 12:26 PM
AJ Roderick
Mmm lamberts red and shit in the morning. This hotel room stinks. Hahs
03-25-2012 09:13 AM
Ok, hosting an iracing race at wgi tonight. Miatas. I'm sending an email out, but drops a note if interested for the password.
03-25-2012 09:12 AM
Jonathan Ng
Conversations that start with "are you a REAL cop or a rent a cop?"...generally not recommended.
03-25-2012 05:40 AM
AJ Roderick
Not a bad day at BMI. Helped Capodice to a 4th in Jr Champ after starting in the back, too bad I didn't get him rolling sooner. He was coming! Then got 3rd in Super Heavy with Kyle. Really liking the Triton, just gotta get that nose planted. Beer and working on tires. Another day tomorrow!
03-24-2012 09:07 PM
Josh Chaney
- Anyone who cares about expiration dates will not get in the way of the glory train.
03-24-2012 01:39 AM