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Nothin like gettin on the wrong bus!! Guess im going to visit the engineering college!
03-20-2012 09:00 AM
Elliott Skeer
Sitting in advisory and I'm convinced I still hear GT cars. I miss #Sebring12
03-19-2012 03:36 PM
Elliott Skeer
I posted 26 photos on Facebook in the album "Playboy Mazda MX5 Cup Rd 1-2"
03-19-2012 03:10 AM
Elliott Skeer
In Charlotte, was expecting to see 10-12 short tracks on the way in... Not quite #stereotypes
03-18-2012 04:16 PM
Alex Bolanos
Road Atlanta National done, 4th in Sat national, 2nd in Pro-IT, 3rd in Sun national.
03-18-2012 04:16 PM
Josh Chaney
- Get up and do something if you want to stop Joseph Kony and/or help the people of Uganda. Don't sign a petition and give empty donations. Invisible Children, the foremost organization for aid to the children of Uganda, takes donations all the time. 32% of the total actually goes toward helping anybody. Go build a schoolhouse so these kids can get an education or join the Peace Corps. I'm tired of seeing this crap on every page of the internet. He's been in power, committing war crimes and k...
03-17-2012 10:17 PM
Jonathan Ng was the instructor clinic? Sam Herz, Matthew Shafer, Craig Schamp, Oliver Krevet
03-17-2012 06:02 PM