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Zack Skolnick

One for the gallery CB!
11-06-2011 04:51 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 198th place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/90af5d
11-06-2011 01:38 PM

AJ Roderick

I am ignoring Heather Richard for the day, now i will actually get some work done
11-06-2011 10:20 AM

Jonathan Ng

My new thermostat and lighting logic has paid off...PG&E bill for two months... $42.68. Let's see your Nest do that ;)
11-06-2011 03:24 AM

AJ Roderick

this SM stuff gets expensive quick
11-05-2011 10:05 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 900th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
11-05-2011 03:38 PM


Once again, a shameless plug for the njmp open track day on Monday. I will offer free data coaching to all fancy Porsche drivers, and show you what your apex speeds should be with all those wings and big sticky Hoosier tires.
11-05-2011 03:38 PM

Josh Chaney

- Remember, remember.... to blow something up for our old friend Guy Fawkes today!
11-05-2011 12:22 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 173rd place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/90af5d
11-05-2011 12:22 PM


With all the train cancellations Penn station looks like a weird cross between a refugee camp for club kids and a halfway house for still drunk bar hoppers. The commuters are just trying to thread their way through the mess
11-05-2011 05:51 AM

Amanda Benton

I LOVE waking up at 5:30 am on a Saturday!
11-05-2011 05:51 AM

AJ Roderick

11-05-2011 12:44 AM

Jason Mohr

We are driving home from the SEMA show in Las Vegas on the 15 south and it is snowing!!!
11-04-2011 09:40 PM

Charlie James

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! They say 50 is the new 40, all I can say is that Someone Lied! :)
11-04-2011 06:22 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 865th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
11-04-2011 03:12 PM