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Rob Baker

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. We are all doing well and can't wait to come home. Hopefully only a couple of missions yet to fly.
11-04-2011 02:08 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 153rd place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/90af5d
11-04-2011 11:56 AM

AJ Roderick

Still searching for that right combination, but I feel I am getting closer to it everyday
11-04-2011 01:59 AM

Zack Skolnick

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I am glad that i have so many great freinds!
11-04-2011 01:59 AM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 851st place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
11-03-2011 05:37 PM


Sorry to keep posting about this, but it's a great deal! Open track for racers and advanced drivers with prepped cars at njmp thunderbolt this Monday November 7th. About $350 per car. Drop me a message if you want to come!
11-03-2011 05:36 PM

AJ Roderick

Anyone up for a trip to Vegas?
11-03-2011 02:19 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 223rd place in PegLife's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/90af5d
11-03-2011 02:19 PM

pat slattery

Just got a better score on PegLife's Gem Swap II contest and I am now in 217th place. I am getting closer to winning a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can beat my score? Click here to try: http://sups.us/c56d59
11-03-2011 10:58 AM

Jim Daniels - FIG

Are there any skinny tea baggers? I recently was called a "fat tea bagger". Since im poor I think he meant me personally thus the question...... After all, im not involved with any party.
11-03-2011 09:55 AM

AJ Roderick

now that the wheel bearing is fixed, i can actually hear my radio....
11-02-2011 09:37 PM

Chris Windsor

Made it to Road Atlanta!!
11-02-2011 09:36 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 815th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
11-02-2011 03:08 PM


Well, looks like one more chance to head to the track this season! We've rented NJMP Thunderbolt for Monday, November 7th. Let me know if you want to come. Looking like around $350 per car. Open track, all day. This is primarily for racers as there are no point bys....run what you brung.
11-02-2011 03:08 PM

Amanda Benton

11-02-2011 03:08 PM