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Anyone see what just happened in the Indy race? 15 cars out of the race. Some really bad news out there.
10-16-2011 03:16 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Where was Alanso going? Pet forgetting to brake aside, Alanso was not going to make the turn. I'm not of the school that the Ferrari is slower, perhaps it's race craft?
10-16-2011 09:05 AM
Keith Novak_170
I spent half an hour this morning messing with my coffee maker trying to figure out why it wasn't heating the water and pour it through the grounds. It took me until this afternoon to realize that although it was slowly heating the water, it would have helped if I had poured the water into the coffee maker.
10-14-2011 09:43 PM
AJ Roderick
Going to Summit tonight to return a part and getting brake fluid for the racecar. New brake pads ordered and the prep check list is getting smaller. Possibly working more hours tonight
10-14-2011 11:33 AM
Well it looks like we rented Thunderbolt on October 19th for some open track.
Let me know if you want to come. Looking like about $300 per car. Great event to go test new hoosiers on your spec miata, instruct your students, get drivers and crew ready for the VIR 13 hour, or the NASA weekend at Thunderbolt.
10-14-2011 08:28 AM