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Keith Novak_170
I read that scientists discovered proof that yetis exist! That's right!
Scientists attending a yeti convention in Russia went on a hike, and found gray hairs in an abandoned bear cave proving with 95% certainty that yetis exist. There was no bear in the cave, ergo it was abandoned by a bear and what could make a bear abandon a cave other than a yeti?
This further reinforces my opinion that chupacabra must logically exist in Washington because they are very elusive creatures and I have...
10-13-2011 08:03 PM
Josh Chaney
- On this day, in 1792, the cornerstone was laid in the construction of The White House.
10-13-2011 07:03 PM
Keith Novak_170
I was flipping through an old cycling training log I found. There's some funny stuff in there...
5-14 70+ Miles around Lk Wash.
4 hrs 15 mins including many map checks
Stung by a bee in the crotch
coming back after illness
climbed that big ass hill in Bellevue
felt fast but fried at the end
5-15 went shopping and stuff
10-12-2011 10:10 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Locals, I'm training at ATC on Forrest Hill Tues & Thurs 7am to 12pm. Stop in and work some sets with me, bench race and lift!
10-12-2011 03:02 PM
Josh Chaney
- Well, it looks like Saab is on the rocks for good. Rest easy, you crazy Swedes.
10-11-2011 07:52 PM