Community Status Updates
John Hammer
Mmmmm. Fake Chinese food... Does the candlelight actually make it romantic? Kung Pao luvin'!
01-22-2011 08:07 PM
John Hammer
In my shop working on the racecar...damn, its been way too long. And, it feels great to be here!
01-22-2011 09:59 AM
Brian Ghidinelli
A tentative June road trip, can you guess where I'm going?
01-21-2011 04:58 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
Days like today call for some angry gangster rap. Or maybe the Rocky theme song.
01-18-2011 06:27 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
Damn, better hurry! RT @AfarMedia: NEWS: White House eases travel restrictions to Cuba, encouraging "purposeful travel"
01-18-2011 03:08 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
The majestic Highway 1 PCH: RT @JoeDiazAFAR: Thinkin' about driving the California coast? Read this...
01-16-2011 03:29 AM