Community Status Updates
Brian Ghidinelli
Great quote: “If I’m spending one dollar [to sponsor you], it better be to make two.†
01-14-2011 03:11 PM
Better start planning now for our 25th anniversary. For 24 we saw the Grand Canyon and AU won the BCS. Tough to top. Need ideas b4 1/2/12.
01-13-2011 08:33 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
Me: "If you get a P-car, you should do some Autocross" Wife: "Uhh... Autocross is for losers." haha!
01-13-2011 12:19 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
The migration looms... here's a neat approach to speeding up a @postgresql dump/restore by parallelizing:
01-12-2011 12:02 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
Tnx! RT @Neurotic: @ghidinelli solves the #coldfusion restart issue on #linux servers. I've been fighting this since CF8!
01-11-2011 07:20 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG → Chris Outzen
Welcome to the site! Post some details, get involved, let me know how I can help!
01-11-2011 02:24 PM
Brian Ghidinelli
Funny when you have a 5-min doctors appointment you wait for an hour... Thanks for not filling out my race medical form the 1st time!
01-11-2011 12:24 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Dr. Daniels does his own medical forms.... ;)
01-11-2011 06:38 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Anyone know a personal trainer who has a motorsport program? Looking for a blogger type for the new site.
01-11-2011 09:42 AM
John Hammer
Home! Spent an hour & 15 minutes going less than 10 miles. Got stuck on a hill: truck wouldn't go up, had to backup for a runnung start!
01-11-2011 09:17 AM
Jim Daniels - FIG
01-11-2011 06:38 PM