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fixing old chandeliers is trying to solder a moving target of old wires that just want to fall apart on you.
01-04-2015 05:48 PM
Going to need a new workout.....any thoughts on insanity? Not looking to get big, just stay fit.
01-03-2015 08:33 AM
AJ Roderick
I want a doberman so I can call him big jack...then I can have little jack
01-02-2015 07:19 PM
AJ Roderick
Stop at a gas station for my morning coffee. Guy asks me "is your Subaru a wrx or an sti" I'm like it's an Audi. He's like "oh is the motor swapped"
Brian Thompson make it stop 😲
01-02-2015 08:57 AM
Phil Mather
Have a safe and happy new year everyone! Going to attempt to log off Facebook for the year.
12-31-2014 08:47 PM
Went to an old piano place/factory in the Bronx for a sketchy craigslist furniture deal. Any guesses how they heat the place in the winter?
12-31-2014 01:22 PM
Anyone with an iPhone 5 and the newest os have crashing issues? This loaner phone doesn't bode well for when mine gets fixed.
12-30-2014 09:55 PM