Community Status Updates
AJ Roderick
Well Rachel is still in Michigan so looks like Jack and I will be watching some Forrest Gump!
12-20-2014 07:35 PM
AJ Roderick
Oof I forgot how much clutch feels after driving the truck for over a week. My left leg is weak lol
12-19-2014 12:23 AM
AJ Roderick
My new lajoie seat showed up at work today. Sat in it all afternoon while I worked. Such a sweet comfortable seat, can't wait to get it in the car
12-18-2014 05:45 PM
AJ Roderick
Saw a guy talking about how fast the TTRS is in the WC series. I went and found results from last year. 4+ seconds of the pace. Yeah it's real fast 👌
12-18-2014 11:22 AM
one of my customers is a movie theater/restaurant chain in Texas.
Given the threats coming from the Sony movie "The Interview", they have decided to bring back and show "Team America, World Police".
I love all my customers, but some days I like some more than others.
12-17-2014 08:13 PM
Phil Mather
Christmas is just around the corner...I've been really, really good this year too.
12-17-2014 07:27 AM
AJ Roderick
Great night hanging out and talking with Dean about motors over at Gellner Engineering Racing Engines. This guy is a genius. Should be interesting what kind of power we can make with a 1.8L maza engine
12-16-2014 10:22 PM