Community Status Updates
AJ Roderick
I don't understand while SCCA constantly has to try to ruin their classes. 2013 A/S runoff tech, eliminating the T2 corvette competitiveness and now flipping SM rules. C'mon
11-05-2014 06:11 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
SM world, sorry. Talk to me tomorrow and let's figure it out. SS rules are what we needed day one. Its all us, not them!
11-05-2014 01:44 AM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Happy Birthday to my lovely wife and best friend Teri Daniels.
11-04-2014 09:35 AM
I'm not really a political person, but just a reminder to go vote tomorrow. Happy with what we have? Vote for that. Hoping for a change? If you don't vote you have no right to complain. I give all my employees the chance to leave and vote during the day. Your boss should too.
11-03-2014 09:53 PM
AJ Roderick
I let Rachel drive the s4 today. Found out she raced a civic si on her way home from work. Didn't even downshift from 6th gear and walked away from it. Lol never been so proud of my girl
11-03-2014 06:45 PM
AJ Roderick
Exhaust welded back together, O2 bungs in, my holy flex pipes are replaced and hopefully fixed the height so it will stop rubbing on everything. Thanks to my dad for teaching me to weld and helping with the exhaust. 70 years old and he still rolls on the floor under the car with me.
11-02-2014 06:48 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
ai miei amici italiani , dire ciao a lo scambio di studenti che vivono con i miei genitori quest'anno. Excuse my bad Italian......
11-02-2014 06:47 PM
Cadwell Park Clio Pit wall crash HANS: via @YouTube
11-02-2014 01:26 PM
AJ Roderick
Heading to summit racing to pick up some exhaust pieces then to the shop to fix up the destroyed flex pipes lol
11-02-2014 09:08 AM
Todd Lamb
Teamwork: I hope everyone has the chance to experience something like this in their lifetime. Amazing feeling!
11-02-2014 09:08 AM
RT @BWRDC: Congratulations to all the BWRDC members on setting a new record for a ladies only race.
11-02-2014 06:53 AM
AJ Roderick
Dad taught me how to weld today. So if anyone needs anything welded, I'll do it for free but I can't promise it will look good, hold together, or even weld the right pieces together.
11-01-2014 05:57 PM