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"Get you're fckin proton pack out of the doors!" - me on November 1st trying to catch the train to work.
11-01-2014 05:05 AM
Jim Daniels - FIG
I love my dogs. Took the 3 of them in today for annual. $900 bucks for basic shots etc... I need to find a new vet, obviously they are looking at our address to decide bill. Suggestions in Gtown area?
10-31-2014 08:42 PM
Todd Lamb
RT @beerfests: Hoppy Halloween! We hope your treats are some cold ones. #Beer
10-31-2014 02:26 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
Mary Landrieu: "South Not Always Friendliest Place for African-Americans". Rodney King = West. Detroit callapse = North. My home town of Memphis = Birth of musical riches for minorities such as Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, B.B. King, Howlin' Wolf and Isaac Hayes. Much later was Elvis who was inspired by our black musical scene. So, Mrs. Landrieu, don't spew your venom at the South's expense due to your failed campaign efforts. Peace out.
10-30-2014 11:27 PM
Phil Mather
Chores done, bills paid, house fixed. Guess I need to throw together a halloween costume now... meh, I've still got a few hours.
10-30-2014 08:11 PM
Jim Daniels - FIG
#TBT name this guy?? "He was in Switzerland at the time of the indictment and never returned to the United States. He received a controversial presidential pardon from U.S. President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001, Clinton's last day in office." Hint, Eric Holder
10-30-2014 08:11 PM
That moment when you consciously decide it's a dropkick Murphy's type of night b
10-30-2014 05:02 PM
AJ Roderick
I can't wait for all the Christmas sales of the go fast parts. Cary Burkett be ready for when I spend all of my savings... Again
10-30-2014 01:05 AM
Todd Lamb
Aged in tequila barrels? Yes please! Only keg in existence I am told. - Drinking a Wooden Cactus at @kirkyardpub -
10-28-2014 06:34 PM