Community Status Updates
Chris Windsor
2012: part of the Schedule so far
March 17 - Advanced Flag School - Summit Point (Tentative)
March 23-24-25 WDCR Drivers School - March 24-25 Novice Flag School
April 21-22 MARRS
May 5-6 WDCR National / BF Goodrich Super Tour
May 12-13 (Mothers Day) SARRC/MARRS Double - VIR
May 18-19-20 Jefferson 500
June 9-10 MARRS
July 14-15 MARRS
September 1-2-3 WDCR MARRS Labor Day Double
October 6-7 MARRS
Note: Additional out of region events to be determined 14 January at the Club Racing Committee 201...
01-01-2012 11:27 AM