A reply to each sentence...
Glad you recognize this in yourself...hope for your wife's sake you only have butter knifes in the house
99.9% of us have never needed to kill anyone...but feel owning a weapon gives us a chance against the 1 in 1000 nut job that does.
This is a joke right? Legal gun owners take the responsibility of owning firearms as serious as a heart attack! Those who purchased theirs behind the local liquor store for $20 and a bag of crack are the ones you must be speaking of.
Reread the last 2 sentences.
Unfortunately we are a society driven by emotional blackmail. Look past fixing the root cause and only focus on what makes us feel good. These debates will never end. But they make for some great words of wisdom as in Jay's 2nd post...
And my reply to each of yours:
Haha, thankfully the wife doesn't piss me off like that. Never has. Hopefully never will. I'm overall a nice guy with a calm personality and a thick skin. I also have a really bad temper when that 'line' is crossed.
Totally understand with the 99% but the prior comments seem to be made from the perspective that the gun wielder wants to shoot to kill.
Not a joke. I've met all too many gun owners and off duty cops that start brandishing their guns at private parties where everyone is drinking and trying to have a good time. Some people just think guns are cool and gives them a sense of power. They do not seem to respect it properly. Had a couple of off duty cop acquaintances pull them out and point them around in a few of those parties. they thought it was cool. I thought they were fudging morons.
Other people suffer from mental illness, depression and what not and probably would be safer to themselves and the community if they didn't have one. Yet somehow these people that committed these horrible school and public shootings had access.
Yes I agree that the people carrying a gun and a bag of illicit buzz enhancers are a far bigger threat. I've met them also. They got theirs hot - presumably stolen from a responsible gun owner's locked gun safe - or somehow managed to buy one legitimately. This is where background checks and stuff like that would help IMO. Any legitimate, responsible person can fill out a form and wait a week for one.
Like Jim, we used to have a concealed gun at my dad's business back in my youth. We had enough cash on hand to want it for 'protection'. Never had to use it. If I did, I wouldn't want to kill the person I was pointing it at unless I really needed to. If someone were to have walked in and pulled out a gun, I'd be happy to give the scumbag cash and have them be on their way. I can always earn more if I'm alive and kicking. If I draw on them, then I would have escalated a situation that could have easily been resolved with minimal risk. Thieves and criminals would typically try and break-in at night anyway.
Anyway, definitely an ingenious design on the bullet. I just don't understand that perspective but to each their own.