I have some traveling to do, Merry Christmas everyone.
I bumped this up, read, learn, add, whatever.
I have some traveling to do, Merry Christmas everyone.
I bumped this up, read, learn, add, whatever.
I end up using a lot of abbreviations, but ones that I think we could clear up is ...
AFM - Air Flow Meter (1.6)
MAF- Mass Air Flow (meter ... '94+)
AFR - Air Fuel Ratio
A/F - Air Fuel Ratio
AFPR - Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator
And some others off TOMH (top of my head!):
02 - Oxygen Sensor
IAT - Intake Air Temp (either the reading or the sensor)
CTS - Coolant Temp Sensor
ECT - Engine Coolant Temp
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
IAC - Idle Air Control
For faster reply than PM: miataboxes>>>AT<<<gmail>>DOT<<<com
I have some traveling to do, Merry Christmas everyone.
Hey, that's a winner right there. You to.
Just make it sticky...then you don't have to bump it (not that there is anything wrong with that).
Build: www.tomhampton.info
video: vimeo.com/tomhampton
Support: X-Factor Racing
I didn't lose, I just got outspent!
Out of glue.
Do you want to give the secret decoder ring out to everyone right away?
You can use a push-pin if you prefer. Glue isn't required.
PM sent.
Build: www.tomhampton.info
video: vimeo.com/tomhampton
Support: X-Factor Racing
I didn't lose, I just got outspent!
Did you want it to stick or just be sticky? I may have some maple syrup around, but IF I GET ANTS !!!
Oh for heaven's sake. There, I did it.
Build: www.tomhampton.info
video: vimeo.com/tomhampton
Support: X-Factor Racing
I didn't lose, I just got outspent!
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