Everything Runoffs 2014
Posted 10-14-2014 10:42 PM

Posted 10-14-2014 10:44 PM

K. Webb
Powered by East Street Racing (Best engines in Spec Miata)
Driver coach, Spec Miata Prep shop, Spec Miata Setup
2016 Hard Charger award passing 12 cars runoffs 2016 Mid Ohio
2015 First consolation prize Northern Conference Majors Title Pageant
2015 Winner Circus Cat Majors Road America
2015 Winner BlackHawk Majors crash fest
My Signature is still not as long as Danny boy's

Posted 10-14-2014 10:45 PM

If you get this far and feel you must have more to read, take a trip back almost exactly five years and learn more about how we got here. You may recognize some of the players, expectations, fears, confusion...
LOL I got to page 2 before I found the blowhard.
BTDTRacing, LLC - ISellMiataParts.com
"I'm not making any money doing this, I'm purely doing it out of ego." - Paul Tracy
2011 Midwestern Council Spec Miata series champion
2015 Winner, SM - Midwestern Council: A Legen-Dairy Enduro, Co-Driver Stephanie Andersen
2015 Winner, ITA - Midwestern Council, Blackhawk Formula Festival

Posted 10-14-2014 10:47 PM

danny stein brought eboli to America
I never considered this point.
thank you jim Creighton for speaking your mind in this class it needs help and maybe I need it also AAA
BTDTRacing, LLC - ISellMiataParts.com
"I'm not making any money doing this, I'm purely doing it out of ego." - Paul Tracy
2011 Midwestern Council Spec Miata series champion
2015 Winner, SM - Midwestern Council: A Legen-Dairy Enduro, Co-Driver Stephanie Andersen
2015 Winner, ITA - Midwestern Council, Blackhawk Formula Festival

Posted 10-14-2014 10:50 PM

ok serious for all who will listen still think spec Miata made me the racer that I am and still love it don't give up the fight great group of guys except sadlin other I wise enjoy the hell out of the class for all of you don't give up the class fix it .how wright your congressman or region of record or jim prego he can fix it or right the appeal for you if not find another sucker and hope it makes it too the top .
- Glenn and pat slattery like this

Posted 10-14-2014 10:51 PM

Would the bartender please cut him off?
These things typically sort themselves out.
- tom1977 likes this

Posted 10-14-2014 11:01 PM

ps looking for donor motor for a 99 Miata who has one for sale lol

Posted 10-14-2014 11:17 PM

IMO a very detailed engine build sheet needs to be done. A plan english blueprint. They don't have to be sealed but all motors should be built to a sealed motor spec.
I say that because there are still numerous gray area tweeks remaining. Not just in the motor either.
That said, Stearns won the race by the rules. He was the first compliant car by the impound rules in place. WTG ES
My question is this. Why did none of you insist to be inspected ore-race? That would be a loss in tines only.
In 2002 I was protested at the ARRC. I welded my exhaust to the header flange and did not have a connection (this is when no two regions had the sane rules). I insisted it be looked at prior to the event. It was found illegal and I had to start in the back relinquishing the pole. Tom Fowler at OPM fixed it for me and I raced / won over 36 cars. Starting in the back is much better than what happened.
Cell phone post sorry about any grammar.
- pat slattery likes this
"Never Stop Challenging"
Jim Daniels
Auto Sports Consulting / Coaching

Posted 10-14-2014 11:26 PM

thank you jim , come back tooo Miata would love to play push too pass with you lol
just kidding I too have been vandalized at runoffs sorry to hear that it shows cheats are in every area if I find the or hear of the guy tampering with cars I will find you p-----y

Posted 10-14-2014 11:27 PM

ok that's funny sorry you had too see me that way

Posted 10-14-2014 11:29 PM

Someone mentioned "players" of the past.
I'm one of them and still play just not drive, ATM.
"Never Stop Challenging"
Jim Daniels
Auto Sports Consulting / Coaching

Posted 10-15-2014 12:09 AM

I would like to preempt anyone challenging Jim on his explanation of what happened at the 2002 ARRC. I was an SOM for the event and he has presented an entirely accurate account of what transpired. With one very minor omission: He tried to not win, but the winner on the track was penalized for contact in the first turn on the opening lap.
It must be clarified. To many folks with it to not. Just like wheels, exhausts and a host of other issues back in the day that the masses had. Those items were made legal due to the numbers who had them. This too needs to be legal and specific.
IMO a very detailed engine build sheet needs to be done. A plan english blueprint. They don't have to be sealed but all motors should be built to a sealed motor spec.
I say that because there are still numerous gray area tweeks remaining. Not just in the motor either.
That said, Stearns won the race by the rules. He was the first compliant car by the impound rules in place. WTG ES
My question is this. Why did none of you insist to be inspected ore-race? That would be a loss in tines only.
In 2002 I was protested at the ARRC. I welded my exhaust to the header flange and did not have a connection (this is when no two regions had the sane rules). I insisted it be looked at prior to the event. It was found illegal and I had to start in the back relinquishing the pole. Tom Fowler at OPM fixed it for me and I raced / won over 36 cars. Starting in the back is much better than what happened.
Cell phone post sorry about any grammar.
Posted 10-15-2014 12:11 AM

might think I need to be here only because kyle sucks
While swinging from nuts? That sounds like a mouthful...

Posted 10-15-2014 12:22 AM

History shows that I won the ARRC 3 tines all from a P2 finish. Once because of the rough driving DQ and twice because the winner failed engine tech.
Peter, why not motor kits like SRF putting all SMers on the MX5 motor/tranny package?
I would like to preempt anyone challenging Jim on his explanation of what happened at the 2002 ARRC. I was an SOM for the event and he has presented an entirely accurate account of what transpired. With one very minor omission: He tried to not win, but the winner on the track was penalized for contact in the first turn on the opening lap.
- svvs likes this
"Never Stop Challenging"
Jim Daniels
Auto Sports Consulting / Coaching

Posted 10-15-2014 03:24 AM

Push the gray too hard and the gray pushes back...
If you really want to fix it make SM a regional only class and the high(er) dollar racers can run something like SM5 or MX Cup. Problem solved.
Big LOZ on the "swinging from Drago's nuts" comment (since removed). That right there makes reading 30 or so pages worthwhile.
Posted 10-15-2014 04:00 AM

As a WDCR SSM racer (as is David L) for the last five or six years I can tell you all of what you have writen is true. 40+ car fields are routine, more than what SM draws, and most of the top 15 are typically inside of two seconds or so. Our system of requring motors to be dyno'd and sealed at one dyno (Ed York's at York Performance in Mt. Airy, MD) works in our little sandbox. It's not perfect, but the competitors seem to like it, as witnessed by the level of participation.I was told that the Washington DC region is using sealed Spec SSM engines, and their car counts are the highest of most (40-ish, for regional races!), and they love so much the racing and the competition that they are not interested in going anywhere else. I'd be all over that deal if Summit Point wasn't pretty far away from me and a track that I don't particularly like.
Mike "Meathead" Collins should be able to enlighten us on whether the above statement is accurate, as his shop is right next to Summit Point.
When I was building my car in the '05-'06 timeframe it was with that class in mind specifically because I saw what was happening on the National level and wanted nothing to do with it. More power to those of you who choose to compete there. I've been around long enough to remember when the GCR included the "low cost, affordable racing" phrase and it is what drew me back to racing sedans.
Tempests in teapots like these are also in part what is going to push me out of even SSM now that it is time to build a new motor because it speaks to a rules mindset that I want nothing to do with. Frankly, we would be well served to look to IT and their slavish adherence to the Rolfe Theorem - If It says you can't you than you bloody well can't, and the counterpart - if it says you can than you bloody well can. Rules stability there is pretty damned good.
PS - I've been around long enough to remember when Steve S was around doing to in depth research on the pressing issues of the time and am glad to see he's come out of "retirement" and is asking questions again. You guys who are comparitively new would be well advised to pay attention to what he says. Go back to the archives and see what he learned way back when.
Hero To The Momentum Challenged
Posted 10-15-2014 06:12 AM

IMO a very detailed engine build sheet needs to be done. A plan english blueprint. They don't have to be sealed but all motors should be built to a sealed motor spec.
Isn't that exactly what was supposedly done the last time this happened.

Posted 10-15-2014 06:53 AM

1976 4th Grade Bowling Series-Most Improved

Posted 10-15-2014 07:12 AM

50 lb weight penalty for modified heads. There, it's fixed.
I thought about that, but at tracks where the draft comes into play it won't make any difference.
Posted 10-15-2014 07:15 AM

PS - I've been around long enough to remember when Steve S was around doing to in depth research on the pressing issues of the time and am glad to see he's come out of "retirement" and is asking questions again. You guys who are comparitively new would be well advised to pay attention to what he says. Go back to the archives and see what he learned way back when.
Yes indeed, as I posted somewhere lately. Steve is very intellenget articulate with his tech posts and called a spade a spade. Steve, being your from the "Show Me State" (St Louis/Ferguson) you know your question of "spade" is a bit touchy. Oh hell, a spade is part of the good ol saying, it's either black of white. Illegal or legal.

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