I just came across Track Attack, which is supposed to overlay different DA systems' data on one another. Anyone use it? Limitations?

Track Attack limitations?
Posted 04-27-2018 02:02 PM

Posted 04-27-2018 09:13 PM

Build: www.tomhampton.info
video: vimeo.com/tomhampton
Support: X-Factor Racing
I didn't lose, I just got outspent!

Posted 04-28-2018 01:16 AM

Posted 05-13-2018 08:40 PM

Just a quick update. I've gotten Track Attack to work with Traqmate and Aim systems to compare lap data. It's little tricky and not the the most intuitive to use, but I had a couple of questions and the developers were responsive. There are a couple of youtube videos that help to figure it out. In particular, how data gets pulled in from older aim systems v. the newer varieties differs. For Traqmate users, it pulls native traqmate files, but I had better success with pulling a csv export of traqmate data.
It works best when you can sync your desktop program to the web - that's where it pulls track info from. It's also useful for sharing data among team members via a common web platform. For me, cloud storage of lap data is useful.
So, I'd give it a 4 out of 5 and a thumbs-up recommendation.
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