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There have been 38 items by Tom Hampton (Search limited from 06-04-2023)

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#117006 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-29-2020 09:47 AM in Spec Miata Garage

I'm late to this party :) I went back and read this again.  This rule was written early on in my CRB tenor.  It is exactly as Steve has been describing.. Whoever said this to Jamz, whether it be SCCA or NASA was wrong in their interpretation. 




Maybe it was the same person who created CV-joint-gate.

#117002 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-29-2020 08:28 AM in Spec Miata Garage

Thats correct


Don't tell Jamz.  

#117022 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-29-2020 06:46 PM in Spec Miata Garage

Now this I would like to hear about, thread link?

Search for nasa Cota Champs.

#116984 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-26-2020 09:47 AM in Spec Miata Garage

:) I tend to rethink and recalibrate a few times in cases like this. I need to do that elsewhere then paste it in.


Bah!  Its the silly season.  It's kinda sad that this is the most controversial rules discussion we can come up with.  

#116981 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-26-2020 09:37 AM in Spec Miata Garage

I can see Steve posting....seems to be rather lengthy....or he's a VERY SLOW typist.    :-)

#117012 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-29-2020 10:45 AM in Spec Miata Garage


So the next question up for debate is why is Tom Hampton such a twit? Chimes in on everything but doesn't lend anything to the conversation except trolling. I guess that is a safe position for an engineer that can't risk being wrong in anything lest it fall apart underneath him.




Says the person who claimed that the rule changed recently (and is different in NASA), and literally said  "I AM CORRECT"...on a rule that hasn't changed in AGES and is identical between organizations.  Is that a raven in your avatar or a Crow?  


As an engineer for the better part of 30 years, I've been wrong LOADS of times---but, I try not to make a habit of it.  I especially try not to be wrong the same way more than once.  


As for being a twit...I don't know what to say, I guess I underperformed.  I usually try to be more of an asshole.  

#117028 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-30-2020 09:00 AM in Spec Miata Garage

WOW - I just read the thread, that was crazy!

There may have been a second side-thread where the CV joints were discussed in more detail.  I'm not sure.  



#116980 Wheel Offset and Spacers, Set Up Numbers

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-26-2020 09:21 AM in Spec Miata Garage

Thanks for posting yet another copy of the same rules that Steve already posted---Which are (in this case) identical between 2019, and 2020...as opposed to your claim that they "changed this year" (except the tire wording---which is not relevant).  


17.1 Any fifteen (15.00) inch diameter rim/wheel with a maximum width of seven (7.00) inches, and a

minimum weight of thirteen (13.00) pounds, may be used. All four (4) rims must dimensionally match.
Other than the stock fifteen (15) inch Mazda steel wheels, all wheels must be one piece. (i.e. No multi
piece bolted, riveted, or welded wheels).


17.3.3 Aftermarket wheel studs, lug nuts, and wheel spacers are permitted. If spacers are used they

shall be no greater than 13mm in total and equal per axle.


It does not say EQUAL PER CORNER or ALL CORNERS MUST BE IDENTICAL.  It says all Wheels must be dimensionally identical...spacers must be identical per axle.


A point that Steve already made.  You are certainly earning your "broken record" badge today.  

#117269 What Are My Tire Temps Telling Me?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 12-17-2020 03:35 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

Tom - in follow up, what do you use to gauge set up and adjustment instead of temps? Pressure increase, wear patterns, lap times...

Grrr....most post didn't save.

My name is Tom, two (too).

All of the above. Pressure, pressure increase, wear patterns...especially differences between tires. Not that perfectly even pressure growth is NOT the goal, but if something is wildly different, and I had a handling problem that'd be where I'd start. Lap time rules, though. As Saul has said in other threads...."If flipping a brake pad backwards is faster, well....then do that!" So, faster is as faster does.

So, if you've got a corner that's growing 9psi, and everything else is +6....and you've got a handling problem that's related to that corner...then maybe a change is in order (cross or arb) to take some pressure off that tire.

I've taken to recording my tire pressures on my windshield through the day (hot and cold in different colors). I find it really handy to be able to just stare at the car, and see the patterns in pressures over a day's sessions while trying to decide what to do.

#117249 What Are My Tire Temps Telling Me?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 12-14-2020 02:51 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

LOL at least everyone agrees- OK, here's a little more info, I'm not sure how I missed all these answers until now.



Knowing that the goal is closer to 200 degree is to me a big tell that they aren't being pushed hard enough to heat up properly.


Pressure will tell you that.  well...pressure GROWTH, anyway.   I don't drive SCCA / Hoho's...but,as I understand hot pressures are roughly similar.  I'd be aiming for 36 (+/- 1 psi depending on the track, the corner of the car, setup, and track conditions) psi hot, and 6-9 psi of growth.  So, a cold pressure of 27-30 psi.    If you can't get 6psi of growth, ether the tires are DONE, or grandma needs to pick up the pace.  


If your friend went out at 33 psi and came in at 36 psi (from a hot lap)...I get more growth than that in the rain.  

#117187 What Are My Tire Temps Telling Me?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 12-06-2020 10:41 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

My primary thought as a fellow midpack driver a little closer to the front...

Until you have maximized the data from tire PRESSURE... Temps (esp. Out, mid, in) are silly. As Steve pointed out "temps" require real hot measures,as quick as you can get off track...not AFTER the checker and a cooldown. You have to come in under green from a hot lap.

Also as Steve noted... Those temps are way too cold. You should me closer to 200. If your not at 200 or close the data is useless.

#116315 Towing with an RV or Motorhome?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 06-19-2020 03:49 PM in Pit Lane



Do you plan to travel with the RV? Coming to the track once a year may not justify a new tow rig :duck:


LOL.  I may resemble that remark.  

#116312 Towing with an RV or Motorhome?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 06-19-2020 03:37 PM in Pit Lane

I've been towing my NA6 on an 18" Open trailer behind our 31' Class C since 2015.  


Dunno about 'insights', though.  Like what? 

#116338 status of vintage Miata in the Midwest

Posted by Tom Hampton on 06-26-2020 06:13 PM in Mazda Miata - MX5

Dudes in New vettes don't like it either.

#116314 Shorten Brake Pedal Travel?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 06-19-2020 03:48 PM in Spec Miata Garage

For the Long pedal there is an adjustment for the pushrod / master cylinder clearance.  You can close up the clearance to gain some pedal height.  You must be careful with this adjustment, because it is important that the master cylinder completely retracts when you let off the brake.  So, you want high and "almost" tight.  If its fully tight, then the brake pressure will not completely release after each stroke.  Each subsequent stroke will bulid a little more pressure.  After about a pace lap and two race laps the brakes will be permanently ON and you will think you've completely lost power.  


Ask me how I know....

#116430 Path for coolsuit hoses from trunk?

Posted by Tom Hampton on 07-13-2020 11:34 PM in Spec Miata Garage

By putting it on the passenger floor.

#117034 Off Season Music Entertainment!!

Posted by Tom Hampton on 11-02-2020 09:46 AM in Spec Miata (SM)

Hmm....the first music my parents didn't "get":




Then there was my first (of many) Pink Floyd Album:


#117046 Off Season Music Entertainment!!

Posted by Tom Hampton on 11-03-2020 03:18 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

For a more laid back vibe....My wife and I first saw Susan Tedeschi back in 1998 or so, when we lived in Colorado.  We saw here at a movie theater turned into an SRO micro-concert hall.  No chairs, stadium..nuttin. Just a stage, an open floor and a bar in the back.  


#117035 Off Season Music Entertainment!!

Posted by Tom Hampton on 11-02-2020 09:47 AM in Spec Miata (SM)

Finally, I spent my youth as a drummer.  In the 70s and 80s that wasn't possible without being a Rush (Neal Peart) fan:



And...just for fun....here I am in all my coolness...back in the day:




#117051 Off Season Music Entertainment!!

Posted by Tom Hampton on 11-03-2020 10:40 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

Here is my cousin's channel:

Here is his website if you want to buy some tunes or explore:

Ha! That's way cool. Rockin' beard.

#117787 Looking For A Dash/Gauge Solution

Posted by Tom Hampton on 04-07-2021 03:40 PM in Spec Miata (SM)

I did a combo of those things. I have stack Guages for water temp and oil pressure, and afr. I have a fuel pressure sensor wired to the data system, and I have idiot lights for water pressure and oil pressure right in my sight line on top of the dash hood.

#117916 Leaning out over time during races

Posted by Tom Hampton on 05-23-2021 09:07 PM in Spec Miata Garage

Great tip! I haven’t noticed noise issues in our data but we never used AEM widebands. A lot of people do and it’s probably not just AEM so definitely something to watch for.

Doubt it's the aem. I've run an AEM for 7+ years. But, I use shielded twisted pair cable for all my analog data inputs. Shield grounded at the data logger end, only.

Single ended sensors with chassis ground are a recipe for noise coupling.

#116323 I'm 51, and just had a 5x coronary artery bypass graft (cabg) surgery wit...

Posted by Tom Hampton on 06-21-2020 09:08 PM in Pit Lane

That’s amazing Tom, good to hear you’ve made productive use of the lockdown!

Thanks, Steve. I don't know that's its amazing... Maybe it is. I'm just stubborn. I'm good at mindless suffering.

Honestly the whole ordeal is a bit of a mind-f#ck. Over the weekend I've been talking to a friend who went through a similar ordeal recently, and relaying my experience and thoughts. I was telling him that Every weird sensation makes me wonder if something is happening, again. Maybe it's a bit of ptsd, I dunno. But, it takes a while to learn to trust your body. Not sure how long cuz, I'm not quite there. I just keep pushing through, though. What else can I do?

Most of my chest is numb-Ish. But, it also has some discomfort and irritation. Apparently, those who have significant acute post-surgical pain, are also likely to have long-term pain. It's a weird combination. Also, overusing and straining the inner chest wall doesn't get "sore" like muscles do, it's more like to feeling of a heart attack. So...yeah, when I overdo yard work and crap... That's my reward.

But, at this point I've had most tests that you can have which have all comfimed that all is good. I've had a 24/7 realtime ecg monitor on since June 1st. That ends on Friday. No problems found.

I will say that if ANYONE wants to talk about their (or a family member's) ordeal I'm available via PM, and will gladly give you my cell. My experience has been that there is precious little info out there about what it's like as a patient. I've read most of what's out there...its not much. Which is kinda weird for the leading cause of death in the US.

#116311 I'm 51, and just had a 5x coronary artery bypass graft (cabg) surgery wit...

Posted by Tom Hampton on 06-19-2020 02:49 PM in Pit Lane

Hey there!  Thanks for asking.  Sorry....haven't been around here much lately.  I can't race at the moment for various reasons.  I've been iRacing a fair bit, though.  I've gotten totally carried away spending my racing budget on a sim-rig.  


Recovery is going well.  


I'm back at it running, just slower. This week... 47 miles running, 30 miles walking. That's my second 40+ mile week (in a row) running since before surgery. My heart rate is back to my normal pre-surgery ranges.
I had a bit of a hiccup in May and we had change some of my drugs around... Thus loosing some ground with 3 weeks off. So, after some good progress in April, I'm retreading that ground in June...only with moar heat 1f525.png. Nevetheless, I've managed to do 420 miles of running since open heart surgery (just under 600 for 2020 including 140 pre-surgery miles in January). I'm already at 120 in June.
I entered the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee (1022km / 634 miles by Sep 1st). At 220 miles into the race (as of today), I'm still about 20 miles behind...but, catching up 3-5 miles per day. I'd like to complete the race back across Tennessee (1269 miles)... There's a very outside chance. But, I'm on target to complete 1000 miles anyway.

#116861 How Can I learn To Trail Brake Better

Posted by Tom Hampton on 10-09-2020 08:23 AM in Spec Miata Setup Guide

What’s not obvious is that the AI claims aren’t just marketing BS. The core of what makes this truly different is the camera (which also holds the accelerometers) which must be carefully aligned during setup. That camera supplies a view of the track so the AI can look for the edges of the track surface (think self-driving car tech). As you do your initial laps it uses that input to draw the actual track shape as well as plotting your path on it. Other systems draw your trajectory and may be able to superimpose that on a map or aerial of the track so you can tweak their alignment, but you need to be really careful trusting any representation of your line relative to the pavement. In theory, this learns/draws the track surface and your lateral position on it using the camera, and the GPS provides your progress and speed along that path. With that information the AI knows whether you apex early or late, or miss by 5ft one lap compared to another, etc.

But, it doesn’t know what’s possible until you do it and won’t assume T3 has the same grip as T2, or anything else for that matter. In theory, if you do every lap exactly the same way every time, it will never recommend a change. But nobody does that and those with the most potential to improve do it less. As you do laps it keeps track of what line, what brake points, rate and duration work best then presents that analysis to you in simple live voice prompts during a session and in up to three “Opportunities” for improvement in post-session review. It also provides some consistency stats and their version of theoretical best lap which they call True Optimal lap. The name is easily misconstrued but what makes it different is that the AI works out which fastest segments really can be accomplished in succession and blends them to come up with that best-case lap time and stitches together a video with the segments they have used. Other systems simply add fastest sectors which may not even be achievable as a full lap.

That’s actually a very short and incomplete summary. Watch the videos, read the FB group posts but keep in mind most the people are wrong about a lot so pay attention to the one Garmin guy who sometimes chimes in.


That's very interesting.  Been trying to do that the "hard way" via my Racepak system.   It definitely takes a lot of work to deal with the "issues" of achievable segments. 


Its been interesting to see how Garmin has manage to cope with the major disruption in what was the core of its commercial business.  They really have pivoted into completely new product lines, and technologies in a way that very few companies manage to do when disruptions happen.