Community Status Updates
Jonathan Ng
What kind of pads should I get to replace my front and rear pads on my DRZ400SM?
10-28-2011 04:20 AM
Jim Drago
wow, what a game.. I dont even like baseball :) Poor Nolan Ryan really got old :(
10-27-2011 11:36 PM
Amanda Benton
Is weirded out by the hysterical (read historical) tour group standing in front of and talking about my place.
10-27-2011 08:03 PM
pat slattery
DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 694th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try:
10-27-2011 01:39 PM
The last 15 seconds is PRICELESS
10-27-2011 10:32 AM
AJ Roderick
3 weeks until my birthday, then Syracuse and KOC in december, then sometime in there getting my exhaust manifold finished. Gonna be two exciting months
10-26-2011 03:28 PM
pat slattery
DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 662nd place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try:
10-26-2011 03:28 PM
Jonathan Ng
Lol. A 50 year old man gets out of his e92 m3 and asks me what year my bike is. He proceeds to tell me he has a 2009 and points down the street, "take the railroad crossing at 45mph and you can get some good air."
10-26-2011 03:02 AM